Liam Dunbar

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He asks you out


"Good one, Liam!" coach screamed from the bench

I high-fived Scott and take my position.

The ball is coming towards me and I quickly catch it. After I got it, I ran and throw the ball to the goal. And then, there was a beeping sound that marks the end of the game

We won! This feels good.


[The next day]

"You gotta ask her. Or I will" Mason says

I give him a glare before sitting behind (Y/N). She turns around and gave me a smile

"Good game yesterday" she said

"T-thanks. You watched it?" I asked

"Of course, my sister was on the field. Even though she didn't get the ball" she joked

"Ms. Yukimura and Mr. Dunbar. Detention after school. This isn't a speaking test. Now do your job" the biology teacher said

"Sorry" she mumbled to me

"That's okay" I smiled to her

Well at least, we have time together.


(a/n : liam's replies will be in bold)

"Detention starts now" the librarian said to us

I'm sitting across from her and grab one book at the pile without looking at it. I just realized that is bedtime stories

Who puts a freaking bedtime stories in a pile of history books? I guess it's better than reading about wars and nuclear bombs, right?

She giggles quietly and I flip the first page. She tore her notebook page and write something on it then slides the paper to me.

Sorry for bringing you along to
detention :(

I wrote a reply

Nah, no worries. Besides,
I have nothing to do
at home :)

I slide the paper to her and when she reads it, she smiles. She wrote something again and pass the paper to me

I'm super bored. Hlp me out

Then it hit me. I have to do it now. It's now or never.

Wanna put the books in their correct order? I want to talk
to you anyway.

I gave the paper to her and she nodded eagerly. We got up from our seats and start re-order the books.

We find an empty space between the shelves and sits on the floor.

"So what do you want to talk about?" (Y/N) says

I took a deep breath quietly. Okay, this is it.

"Would you like to go out with me sometimes?" I exhaled

"Is that it?" she says

I sighed and knew this would be a rejection

"Yes" I said

"Then, I would love to go out with you" she kissed my cheek and stands up

I got up and grin. She laughed and put the books to the shelves.

"Just so you know, took you long enough to finally said it" she whispered to my ear

Detention is over and I pick up my bag from the floor. Before she got out, (Y/N) throws me a paper ball. I catch and opens it.

I smiled like an idiot. She wrote her number. I can't believe it

I decided to call Mason and told him the whole story

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