Isaac Lahey

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"Whoo Isaac!" you cheered for your bestfriend when he's in the field

He looked at you and you give him a thumbs up. He genuinely smile and ran along with his teammates

"Are you guys dating?" Kira asks

"Pshh no way. We're just close friends" you said

"Oh right" her mouth formed an O shape

"You and Scott?" you asked back

"I don't even know what are we now. I mean, we kissed once in his bed and and that doesn't mean anything, I think" she rambles

"Kissing on the bed?" you're surprised that they went that far

"But that's not what you think it is" she quickly added

"Oh right" you imitate her

You focused back to the game and there is only ten seconds left. The scores are tie so someone better score.

Stiles passed the ball to Isaac then Isaac ran to the goal. He hesitated at first.

"Shoot it!" you stand up from your seat and screamed

He throws the ball and scores. Everyone stands up, clapped their hands, and you can hear whistles.

You ran to your bestfriend and hugged him. A big smile plastered on your face.

"Why didn't you throw it in the first place?" you asked him

"I guess I'm a bit nervous tonight" he answered

"Hey, wanna join us for a party at Lydia's?" Scott came to us with Kira beside him

"Sure!" you answered him and follow them

Isaac is getting a few things back in his locker and told you to wait at your car.

Inside the car, you could hear people still cheering and loud musics. You listen to it until Isaac got in.

"I think they're having another party here" you said

"Everybody went home already. No one is having a party at school" he said worriedly

"But I heard people still cheering, clapping, and loud musics. I swear I heard it" you start the engine and drive

"Okay. Calm down for now. I'll ask Scott later on" he grabs your hand and squeezed it softly

Minutes later, you both arrive at Lydia's. You saw Stiles's jeep, Derek's car, Scott's motorbike parked at Lydia's driveway.

"I thought only lacrosse players are coming" you said while getting off your car

"Well, the more the merrier?" he sound so weird

"Okay Isaac, spit it out" you stopped him from knocking

"Spit what out?" he denies

"Don't play dumb with me, Lahey. I always know when you're lying. You can tell me anything" you said

Lydia opens the door and a smile appear on her face.

"Glad you can make it" she says before letting both of you in

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