Scott McCall

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*bell rings*

Finally. After a long week of exam, it's finally over and you could restore your happiness with your boyfriend, Scott.
You gather your stuffs and put them into your bag

You stand up and went straight to your locker where usually Scott is waiting for you. And he is leaning to the lockers behind him

"Hey" you kissed him

"Hi. I miss you" he blurt out

"I miss you too. Are you up for coffee?" you asked

"I'm always up for something if it's you" he chuckles


"I'll have the medium sized hot russian coffee" you ordered

"And I'll have the medium sized hot black americano" Scott continues your sentence

After he payed for your drinks, you picked a seat next to the big window inside the coffee shop.

"Did you apply different shade of eyeshadow today?" he looks at you closely

"Yes I did.  Being observant, eh?" you raised one eyebrow up

"Stiles keeps telling me the shade of Lydia's eyeshadow back then and now I can tell them" he muses

"And what is it?" you challenged him and the waitress came with our drinks

"It's-" his sentence are cut off by a ringing sound inside his pocket


His expression changed quickly and he is furrowing his eyebrows. Something is not right. You thought to yourself

"I'll be there" he ends the call and stand up

"I hate to say this but I have to go. The doctors are coming and they're coming to take them. I promise I'll come back to you, no matter what" Scott explains

Scott always remind you how danger Beacon Hills is. But you always believed him he will protect everyone, including you.

"Go get them, tiger" you quote Mary-Jane Watson from Spiderman

He smiles and kissed you one last time before going outside and rode off. You smile weakly and grab his coffee and yours on the other hand

"You promised" you whisper to yourself


"Finished your tests?" Jordan asks

"Mhmm.. When does your shift ends?"

After seeing Scott go, you headed to the sheriff station to help your brother, Jordan Parrish. You've been inside the station for three hours.

"I don't know. I basically just stay here until Stilinski told me to go home" he smiles

"So that's why you always wake up late" you snorts

While you are sorting the papers, Stiles came in and went directly to his father's office and Lydia followed behind him. Lydia's eyes are wet and her clothes are covered in dirt

"You okay?" You ran to her side to support her body when she's about to fall

"Sit down" Jordan and you guided her to the seat you are sitting before

"What happened, Lydia?" you softly said

"Scott.. he's dying" she looked at you

Your brother looks at you worriedly and you quickly dialed Scott. And he didn't pick up. Stiles and his father stepped out of the office, both of their heads look down

"No, this is not happening" you stand up and cry

"(Y/N) .." Stiles walk towards you and hugged you

"This isn't real, Stiles. He promised. He fucking promised. Where is he?" you cried in Stiles's shoulder

"He's at the school's library when we found out"

As soon as Stiles said that, you let go of him and ran to your car. Jordan, Stiles, Lydia, and the sheriff tried to stop you from going but you drive as fast as you can

You dialed Scott's phone again and still, there is no answer. Right after your car stops, you yank the car door open and ran inside the building. You headed straight to the library.

"No, he can't die like this. My son can't die. Roar, Scott" you saw Melissa hitting Scott's chest constantly

You sit on the floor beside Mason and stroke Scott's bloodied face.

"Please wake up" you whispered and cried even harder

"Roar!" Melissa screamed at the top of her lungs

Suddenly, Scott's eyes turned red and roars loudly. His body jolts up.

You cover your mouth with your hands and hugged him. He hugged Melissa on the other side.

"I promised I'll come back to you, right?" Scott whispers to your ear

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