Liam Dunbar

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Baby Brother

Currently, you are stuck in maths with the pack. Lydia, who turns out to be the smartest, helps you with her notes. And Malia is just as frustrated as you are.

"How am I gonna pass this semester?" you whisper to yourself

Scott, who seems to hear you, turns around and gave you a sympathy smile.

The bell rings and everyone started to stand up. You pack your things and follow Malia outside. You guys sit at the usual place. Your brother, Liam and his friend Mason joins you.

"Did you guys hear about the upcoming game?" Stiles started

"No. What's up?" Liam sound worried

"Haven't you heard? We are competing against Devenford Prep" Scott says

You and Liam exchange a look and stare at Scott. Not believing him

"What's wrong with Devenford?" Malia asks

"It's (Y/N) and Liam's old school" Lydia answered her question


"You don't have to play, Liam" you told him when the class ends

"But I want to, sis. Especially when there's Brett" he sighed

"Please stop talking about him. We promised not to" you said sternly

"Just because he used to date you back then, that doesn't mean I'll play nice with him" he looks at you

"Good" you smirked

When both of you reach your car, Liam stops for a second.

"Can you help me with history?" Liam suddenly asks

"Sure" you smiled and saw the Devenford school bus pull up at the highschool's driveway

Your expression changed and Liam turns around. His anger boils and you put a hand at his shoulder to calm him down

You noticed that all Devenford players are looking at you and Liam. Brett has a smirk plastered on his face when he looks at you.

"Don't let him get into your head" you said while dragging your brother inside the car

You quickly turn on the engine and start driving. Through the window, you gave Brett one last glare before exiting the highschool.


[The Next Day]

You are stuck. In maths. Again.

The only thing you wanted last is watching lacrosse practice after school. But you have to be there in case Liam decided to make a scene and turn into a werewolf

But right now, your patience has run out. You stand up, making everyone's eyes on you. You take your bag from the floor and start walking to the teacher's desk

"Can I be excused?" you ask

"For what, Ms. Dunbar?"

'For not strangle you to death' you thought

"I have period cramps" you said

"And I think it's gotten to my pants" you added to make sure

"Okay. You may go" the teacher said and you open the door

When you are outside, you take a long breath and started to walk. You walk to the usual seat outside, sat there, and plugged your earphones.

You lean back to the table and closed your eyes. Just enjoying the music.

Not long, you feel someone is standing in front of you. You open your eyes and there is no one. You turn your head to the right, Brett is sitting down beside you.

"What are you doing here?" you unplug your earphones

"I'm practicing lacrosse. Obviously" he smirked

You rolled your eyes at his answer

"I mean, why are you here?" you emphasize to the seat he is sitting

"Oh. I saw you and decided to talk to you" he casually say

"I have class" you lie

You stand up and take your bag. You are ready to leave but he tugs you down. Then, Brett kissed you on the lips. You are sitting on his lap now.

You try to pull away but somehow he bite your lower lip. 'He still remembers the weak points' you said to yourself.

"Brett" you said between kisses

He pulled away and stared at your eyes. A smile growing on his face

"You know, we haven't officially broke up. So I still can do that" he smiled. A smile that you craved for so long

"I can't do this anymore. I have to let you go" you admit

"Why? You still love me, don't you?" He asked

"To be honest, yes. But Liam will not approve this. Especially the one happened with your coach" you say

"You can't get over it? It was a year ago" he snapped

"Have you said a sincere apology to him?" you snapped back

He kept his mouth shut and that's your cue to leave. You harshly stand up from his lap and started walking.

"That's why" you said


You cried in your room all night. You hated yourself for falling in love with him. Liam hears you crying with his super hearing. He came to your room and brings a hot chocolate in his hand.

"I hate him, Liam" you cried in his arms

"Trust me, I do too. But you can't dwell in this situation to long. You just gotta move on" he combs your hair with his hand

"How c-can I possibly do that?" you hiccuped at the end of your sentence

"Think of it like you're singing. When you can't get the note's right and you're frustrated, just forget the song and move on" Liam says

"You know sometimes, I thank mom and dad for making you" you kissed his cheek

"I will always be your baby brother" he added

That night, Liam decided to sleep with you and watch animal videos together.

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