Bonus : Malia Tate

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You wake up in the middle of the night because you smell something awful inside your room. When you turn on the lights, you saw a naked girl sitting on the corner, near the window.

"Um, hi?" you sit at your bed

"Sorry. I need a place to crash. And your house is the nearest" she says

"Do you need some Aspirin?" you said. You thought the girl is drunk

"What's an Aspirin?" she asked back

How drunk are you? you asked in yourself

"It's for your head" you said

"My head's fine" she simply said

"Umm.. okay so I have some clothes" you got up from your bed and walk to your closet

You take a blue sweater and a grey sweatpants from your closet and gave it to her


"Thanks" she smiles and wears the clothes you gave her

"So I have an extra bed. It's my sister's but she went to college so you can sleep there" you point to the empty space beside you

"Okay" she lays on the bed and closed her eyes

"I'm Malia by the way" she introduced

"(Y/N)" you say before shutting off the lights


"She's my friend, mom. She's sleeping here because we are working on a project together" you explained to your mother

"Okay, (Y/N). But only for a couple days because you might tear her apart at the full moon. Are we clear?" she states

"Crystal. I gotta go. Bye mom" you pulled Malia by the hand outside

"Okay, first of all, don't leave my side. Secondly, you gotta find a new place ASAP because my mother said you can sleep for only a couple of days" you told her while buckling up your seatbelt

She nodded and trying so hard to buckle her seatbelt. You pulled her seatbelt and buckle her.


"Your welcome"

"So where are we going?" she asks

"School. You're like a new born baby that's trapped inside a sixteen year old girl" you looked at her

"Hey, it's not my fault I turned back to human" she states

"Huh?" you tilt your head

Malia turns her head to the window and got distracted to the trees

"Anyway, you're going to meet my friends" you parked at the usual spot, beside Stiles's car

She nodded and grab her bag (actually it's yours but you gave it to her) from the backseat. You grab yours and climb out of the car

Malia is following you like a lost puppy and listens to your instructions. Then you saw Scott, Lydia, and Stiles at your locker.

"Hi guys" you greet them

"Who's the shadow?" Stiles asks

"This is Malia Tate. She's a friend of mine" you introduced Malia to the pack

"Hi" Lydia waves

"Who are they?" Malia whispers to your ear

"This is Scott, Stiles, and Lydia" you point at them

Then the bell rings and you say goodbyes. You and Malia walked to the first class of the day.


"Stay in my room and don't come out till I get back" you say to Malia after she reveals herself that she's a werecoyote

"Okay" she said

You closed the door and knock on your mom's bedroom door. She opens the door and lets you in

"Can we talk?" you ask

"Sure" she takes off her glasses and put it on her desk

"So I lied the other day when I told you Malia is a friend," you admit

"Go on" she tells you to continue

"Actually, she's a coyote that recently just turned back to her human form. She ran and went into my room through my window. I offered her to stay because all of her family is dead" you sighed

"Oh, honey. You should've let me know earlier" your mother hugged you

"So is this a sign she can stay?" your eyes lights up

"Of course. She can stay as long as she wants" she smiles

"Thanks a lot, mom" you hugged her again


You went back to your room and saw Malia is playing with your brown teddy bear. She looks so happy.

"Hey roomie. The good news is my mother lets you stay and the bad news is you're gonna stuck with me learning maths all night" you smiled at her

"Uh-oh. No maths, please?" she says while hiding under the blanket.

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