Last Imagine : Liam Dunbar

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The Summer Bash Carnival

"Double date?" you raised one eyebrow

"It's kinda triple date. Stiles are gonna be there with Lydia" Scott appeared from behind Liam's back

"And you approve this?" you crossed your arms

"Of course! I can look and keep an eye on both of you. Especially you" Scott points at Liam

"You don't have to look at us all the time" Liam holds his backpack tighter

"Okay so tonight at seven. Alright (Y/N), let's go home" Scott grabs your arm but you swat his hand away

You give Liam a sweet kiss before getting pulled by annoyed Scott. He waved at you and smiles. You waved back before holding to Scott's waist.

Ten minutes later, you reached home and Scott parks his motorbike at his usual place. As usual, Melissa isn't home yet.

"So what do you want to do, dorrito?" Scott called you by your childhood nickname

"We agreed not to use that stupid nickname, Stocky" you spoke the last word loudly

"You know you love me" Scott puts his backpack on the couch

"Just because your my brother that doesn't mean I love you" you retorted

"I'm hurt" Scott dramatically put his hand at his chest

You went to the kitchen to grab the last slice of cheesecake you are saving. But unfortunately, the cake you are looking for is not there. You turn to your brother, Scott.

"Did you eat my cheesecake?" You confront him

"It was in the middle of the night, okay? I was starving and the only thing that is edible is that cheesecake that moment" He raised his hands up in defeat

You sighed and close the refrigerator door. While growling at Scott, you head upstairs to take a shower before he do. You grab your towel and strip down your clothes. After fifteen minutes showering, you stepped out and feel refreshed.

You walked to your room with a towel wrapped securely around your body. While closing the door, you hear a familiar ringtone from your phone. You immediately know who it is.

I'll pick you up in ten :D

One out of a million reasons why you love Liam is he always use emojis in his texts. Somehow, his texts can make you smile. You reply him,

Okay, baby-face.


"Don't do anything stupid. Remember, I'm watching you" Scott says for the fifth time today

"Yes, sir" You and Liam answer at the same time

The group began splitting up. Stiles and Lydia, Scott and Kira, and you and Liam. The carnival is kind of a monthly thing in Beacon Hills. Every month, they have different themes with various attractions and rides. Today, the theme is Summer Bash and you are wearing a denim shorts, a stripped crop, and a pair of gladiator shoes.

"Which one should we try first?" Liam asks

"The Viper's Lair looks challenging. Let's try that" You said while pointing at the roller coaster ride

"Anything for you, my lady" Liam grab your wrist and you both queue at the entrance

After five minutes waiting, it's time for your turn. You picked the front seat and dragged Liam along. He seems so nervous while seating beside you.

"If you don't want to, it's okay. We could try another ride" You place your hand on his hands that are sweating

"Just promise me don't let go of my hand" He says

You smiled and pecked him on the cheek.

"I promise I won't let go" The safety gears are all set and we are ready to go

The coaster goes ups and downs, twists and swirls, and reached the highest point where you could see the whole carnival below. You took a glance at Liam and you are surprised that he's calmed down. You didn't let go of his hands just like you promised.

"That was fun. And everything is prettier up there than here" His eyes sparkled in amazement when we got off the ride

"Glad you can enjoy that" You intertwine his hand and yours

"Hey I saw a photobooth near the cotton candy store when we're up there. Shall we go there?" He suggests

"You know sometimes I envy you being a werewolf. I can't even fully open my eyes up there" You pout

He chuckles and arrived at the photobooth. An old-man is sitting on a chair beside the booth and you approach him

"How much for pictures?"

"Fifteen dollars for five snapshots" He says

Liam payed for the photobooth and you take a beach hat for properties. You both thanked the old man and went inside the booth

"I'm gonna take the mustaches" Liam sticks the mustache right above his lips while you put on the beach hat

The camera begins the countdown and you both pull the weirdest faces. Click. There goes the first one. Liam pinched you cheeks,  making you look at him and giggle. Click. He began to bring your face closer to him by putting his hands on your cheek. Click. You smile and closed your eyes while snaking your arms on to his neck. Click. And finally, both of your lips connected and liam cover half your faces with the sun hat he took from your head. Click.

Both of you laughed while seeing the pictures. The picture had some light flashes because Liam's a werewolf. But you love it anyway. You kissed him again and walk to Scott and Kira.

"Where's your brother and Kira?" Stiles asks

"Scott probably faint while riding the Viper's Lair" You answered, knowing your brother isn't a fan of coasters

"Cute pictures" Lydia smirked while taking a look at the photo

After that, you guys heard Scott's screams from the coaster.

"At least Scott's afraid" Liam commented

"You wanna ride again, baby-face?" You asked your boyfriend

"Hell no" Liam kissed you on the lips once again and you dragged him to the coaster along with Stiles and Lydia

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