Bonus : Allison Argent

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One thing for sure, you have to study for the test tomorrow and not to be nervous for the game.

But the sound of your sister, Allison, making out with Scott McCall is not helping

And she asking you to warn her if dad is coming. So you really don't have a choice.

"This is frustrating" you mumbled to yourself

You saw a black range rover parking in your driveway and you ran to Allison's room.

You knocked on her door loudly and there is a sound of glass breaking inside

"Dad's here!" you yelled

"Shit. Hurry up, Scott. No no, not the closet" you heard your sister sound

You back away and ran to your room. You sit at your bed and start flipping the pages of your notes, trying to look as if nothing happened.

Chris came in right after you took a breath

"Are you studying?" he questions

"Yes I am" you replied

"Is your sister home yet?"

"Mmhm.. she's in her room" you nodded

"Good luck for the game tomorrow. I'll come and watch" he says before closing the door

You heard Chris and Allison talking but you choose not to eavesdrop. So you went to the bathroom to take a shower

After taking a shower, you change into your pj's and you come downstairs for dinner.

"Change your clothes into something nicer" Allison said

"What's the occasion?" you asked

"Dad is inviting-" her sentence is cut off because Scott and Stiles are there

"Oh shit" you ran upstairs and began to search something nice to wear

You always seem nervous around Stiles. Allison said that Stiles is happier whenever you came in sight.

You found a denim short with a maroon crop top sweater that written Beacon Hills Lacrosse on the back. You went back downstairs to the dining room.

Allison is carrying the escargot dish and salmon pastry to the table when you came. You sit beside her with Stiles sitting across you. You flashes him a smile and he returned it back

"I thought dad hated them" you whispered to Allison

"Scott's a werewolf remember? And I'am sure he can hear you" she whispered back

You clear your throat and take a sip from your drink. Everybody start to take an escargot

"I'm sure that everybody here is confused" Chris started

Allison and you nodded while Scott and Stiles looked at each other.

"I wanted to thank both of you for protecting Allison and Scott for teaching (Y/N) play lacrosse" he said

"It was actually Stiles who teach me how to avoid the defenders and Scott teach me how to shoot the ball" you said

Stiles coughed and Scott pats his shoulder. You shot Stiles a worried look and he returned it with a thumb up

"I think dad knows about this afternoon" Allison whispered to you

"What? How does he know?" you said quietly

"He questions me about a scent in my room. I had to lie but he doesn't buy it" she whispered

"Hmm.. forest scent. Anyone wanted to explain?" Chris said

Before anyone said something, you explain it first

"This afternoon, Allison and I went to the preserve to practice lacrosse. Allison fell because she tripped on a branch. She's covered in mud and maybe the scent carried from there" you cover up for your sister

Chris didn't say anything and smiled. Which creeps you out. Allison holds your hand under the table tightly

She's scared because if Chris finds out, he will kill Scott. And you are not interested being the murderer's child.

"I hope there is room for dessert" he went to the kitchen to get the pudding

All of you let out a relieved sigh. Allison lets go your hand and put her hand on the table

"Thank you" she smiled and hugged you

"Your welcome" you hugged her back

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