Isaac Lahey

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Baby Shower Surprise

"Can you bring me the blanket I bought yesterday?" you asked Isaac

"Sure" he smiles

He closes the book that he is reading and went downstairs to take the blanket. You don't know why you wanted to hold it. Perhaps the babies want it. Having twins is extra work. You need to find a bigger clothes that fits, doubled cravings, and a lot of throwing ups.

"Here you go" Isaac came back with a yellow blanket in his hand

He climbs on the bed and hand the blanket to you. You put the blanket on your swollen tummy and rub it.

"Thank you, Isaac" you kissed him

"Anything for my girl and my little ones" he kissed your forehead and then your tummy

"It's late already. Let's go to sleep" Isaac suggests

You nodded and turn off the lamp. You curled beside Isaac and close your eyes.


"I'm wondering if you could accompany me and Claudia to the mall today" Lydia said through the phone

"Sure. You're picking me up now?" you asked

"I'm actually at your driveway" she laughed

"Give me a minute" you hang up the phone and change your clothes into a oversized sweater and a black legging. You grab your bag and phone then wear some flat shoes

Isaac already leave for work so you lock the doors. You climb in Lydia's car and sit beside her. Claudia is sitting in a pink baby carseat at the back.

"Hi, Clauds" you waved at her

"Auntieee" she giggled

Lydia starts the car and began driving to the mall. But instead of taking right, she takes a left and smiles at you.

"Where are we going Lyds?" you asked her

"Okay, so open the dashboard" she instructs

You do as she say and found a red blinfold sitting inside.

"What am I gonna do with this?" you asked her

"Just put it on" she smiled

You obeyed her and tie the blindfold around your head, covering your eyes.

"No peeking, auntie" you heard Claudia say

You nodded and stare into the darkness. You can't see a thing.
After a couple minutes, the car finally stopped and you heard Lydia comes out.

The car door beside you is open and Lydia guides you out of the car. You feel a small hand holding you and immediately know it was Claudia.

"Lyds, where are we going?" you asked her

"You"ll see" she simply answers

You walked with her and Claudia until you feel you are standing on something damp.

"Ready?" Lydia says

You nod and when the blindfold comes off, you are in a garden. And in front of you, stands the pack with Isaac in the middle. You grin and cover your mouth with your hands

"You could've told me earlier. I'm wearing a sweater and only a legging" you joked

"It's called a surprise" she smirked and went to Stiles with Claudia

"Hey" Isaac greets you

"I thought you are at work" you asked him

"I was. Then Stiles and Liam came and asked me to come with them" he explained

You join the pack and each of them gave you a hug. Lydia, Malia, Kira, and Hayden are sitting with you.  The baby shower surprise went well and you had a lot of gifts from the pack. But they still don't know you are having twins

"So, is it a boy or a girl?" Kira asked excitedly

"Please tell me it's a boy. Lydia and I made a bet it's a boy" Malia says

"No way. I bet that's a girl" Hayden points at your belly

"Actually, I'm having both" you smile

The girls screamed in delight that makes their husbands turn their heads to our direction

"Guess she told them already" Isaac says

You heard him and nodded. Scott and Stiles looks so surprised and does a high five.

"I told you they're going to have twins" Stiles says while picking Claudia up

All of you had a good time and you can't imagine life without Isaac and the pack.

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