Derek Hale

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Over and Over Again
based on the song from Nathan Sykes ft. Ariana Grande

(from the way you smile,
to the way you look,
you capture me.
unlike no other)


She has a small smile plastered everytime I came to the sheriff's station. She captured me since day one and I love that she's different.
I love her messy hair and how she wears her glasses.

When I asked her on a date, she had a huge grin on her face that I haven't see. I realized that I'm falling for her. Hard.


(from the first hello,
yeah, that's all it took.
and certainly,
we had each other)



"Can I help you?" I said

That's all it took. A simple hello. Derek seems so mysterious and dark from the outside. That made me want to know him further

He came to the station almost everyday and I couldn't hold my smile whenever he walks in.
I told my bestfriend, Stiles, about this. He says that he's dangerous and short tempered.
But I didn't care


(and I won't leave you,
always be true.
one plus one, two for life.
over and over again)


"Stay" she begged

"I have to be the bait, (Y/N). No one can do it" I explain

"And what? You're going to leave me?" her eyes are wet because of the tears

I hug her and kissed her forehead tenderly.

"I'll stay, if you become my girlfriend" I finally said

Her eyes lit up and nodded in excitement


(so don't ever think
I need more.
I've got the one to live for
No one else will do, and I'm telling you)


Derek is in a bad mood today. I try to figure out why by asking Scott. Scott explains that he sense jealousy in Derek.

Scott is dating Kira but Derek doesn't know that. I'm going to confronted him at his apartment.

"So is this all about? You being jealous?" I said

"If you're happier with Scott, I'll let you go. He's a true alpha, by the way" he said while his eyes glued to a book

"First of all, I don't care if he's a true alpha. And secondly, he's dating Kira" I said

I know Derek is listening to my heartbeat and sensing my chemosignals. He slowly stands up and hugged me

"I'm sorry" he sighed

I hugged him back immediately and let out a relief sigh

"Don't ever think I need anyone else. I got you and that's more than enough" I said



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