Stiles Stilinski

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You both got caught

adult content. read at your own risk

You were sleeping at the school clinic because you don't feel well. The nurse wakes you up to tell that she went out for having a thirty minutes break. She closes the curtain and so you are alone. You decided to text your boyfriend, Stiles.

i could use a company rn

u sick? where are you?

school clinic, duh

You replied a with a little bit of sarcasm. You remembered that he's having economics with Finstock.

forget it. you're having econ anyway :(

You sent it and you heard the door creaks open. You turned off your phone and put it on the table.

Suddenly, the curtain slides open and reveals Stiles with his backpack. You instantly smile at his presence.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" he puts his backpack on the floor, sits on the bed, and gently stroke your hair

"I don't feel really well, Stiles. You should go back to class. I don't want you to fail" you told him

"I would do anything for making you smile. And besides, I told Finstock that I have a really bad diarrhea" he shifted his position so you both can cuddle

You intended to cuddle but he has something in his mind.

He started kissing you passionately and brings you closer. You felt weak but there's a spark building inside you. Only him can lit the spark

He rolled on top of you, putting your body between his legs. He planted a hickey on your neck and he is ready to make the next move but he suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" you asked him

"Is this okay? I don't want you to be more sick" he explained

You stroke his right cheek and kissing him desperately.

"You made me feel alive than ever, Stiles. You healed me slowly" as soon as you finished your sentence he kissed you and began to rip your clothes apart

"My turn" you smirked and lift his shirt up. You tossed it on the floor without breaking the kiss.

Your top has come off and left with only your bra. He brings his manhood closer to yours and you felt a bulge even though he's still in his jeans.

You are wearing a leather legging so he struggles to take them off. He grunts and leave your legging for last

You arched your back when his hand reached your bra strap.

Then suddenly, you both heard the door opens and you quickly push him off with the strength you had left. Stiles hides under the bed, shirtless, while you grab the blanket to cover your upper body.

You pretended to sleep and peeked who's coming. The curtain opens and it's Scott and Liam.

You open your eyes and smiled at them.

"Hey (Y/N). Sorry to wake you up" Scott says

"That's okay. How did you find me?" you asked

"We are looking for-" Liam's words are cut off by a loud sneeze.

"Stiles and we follow his scent. Is he here?" Scott finished Liam's sentence

Liam looks down and nudged Scott to look down too. His smirk appear and fake coughed while Liam tries to hold his laugh

"Come out, Stiles" you sighed and he comes out from under the bed

"Um hi. I'am leaving so why don't you wait outside" he awkwardly said

You rolled your eyes and hold the blanket tighter. Liam bursts into laughter and Scott joins him

"Get dressed you two. And by the way you should comb your hair, (Y/N)" Scott says and then headed to the door

"I'm gonna go" Liam added before getting out

You glared at Stiles and he smiles innocently. He take his and your clothes from the floor. He passed your clothes to you

"Congratulations for getting us caught" you said while putting on your bra and shirt

"How 'bout we continue this at my house? My dad's having a night shift at the office" he grinned

"Sounds great. Now I can't even move" you lay on the bed

"Well I bet tommorow you can't walk" he said

Your jaw drops and he combs your hair with his hands. You looked at him in the eyes

"Oh and good luck covering that bruise. I love you" he pecked your lips and smiled.

He walks out leaving you thinking how you cover that mark

A/N : to be honest, this is my first time writing this kind of stuff so dont judge me lol :)

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