Isaac Lahey

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Breaking up
part 2

Monday starts again and you brace yourself for not crying again. Your eyes became red and puffy because you cried the whole weekend. You open the double doors and you saw Isaac talking to Erica.

You walked past them and you are sure that Isaac saw you. You went to your locker and grab your chem book

The bell rings and you fastened your pace to class. You take a seat next to the window, beside Stiles.

Then suddenly, Erica comes in and a worried look appear on her face. You know something is wrong

"Do I need to teach you how to knock, Ms. Reyes?" Harris asked

"No Sir. But I would like to borrow (Y/N) for a while" Erica said

"Why is that?"

"Actually, the principal called her" Erica said with a little of annoyed tone

"You may be excused" Harris told you

You got up from your seat and follow Erica. Once you were at the corridor, Erica grabs your hand and you both ran to the boys locker room.

Along the way, you stopped her and talked to her

"What are we doing?" you asked

"I don't know what to do! God, if he's dead I can never forgive myself" Erica is starting to cry

"Calm down, tell me what happened?" you try to calm her down

"So it started when I.. um was talking to some freshmen. Then I heard a painful roar. I-I immediately ran to the boys locker room. A-and then I saw him laying on the ground w-with blood" Erica explained

"I p-panicked and I ran to find you" she added

"Who is he? Is he Scott?" you asked

"Isaac" she breathed out

Your heart jumped and you collapse on the ground. You know you can't break down like this. You regained your strength and stand up

"Get Derek" you said to Erica before running to the locker room

You open the door and saw what Erica had told you before. You ran to him and sit on the ground. You gently placed Isaac's head on your lap

"You have to get up. Please" you ran your hand to his hair

You saw Scott, Stiles, Erica, and Lydia coming with Derek beside Stiles

"Remember what we talked when we are at my room? That you told me you loved me? I need you to wake up and say it"
you sobbed

"Please? I can't go through all of this without you. I'm not letting you go" you stroked his cheek

You leaned in and kissed him on the lips. You stared at his closed eyes

Lydia stepped forward and hugged your shoulders.

"He's not dead, Lydia. He probably faints or got smacked. He can't be dead"

"I believe you" Lydia says. She buries her face to your hair

"I love you, Isaac Lahey" you whispered and hugged him for the last time

"I love you too, (Y/N)" his voice appeared and made Lydia jumped and you pulled back.

"Isaac?" you assured him

"I'm not letting you go. Not anymore" he said and smiled

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