Stiles Stilinski

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Back home

"Son of a-" you groan in pain while laying down on the field hopelessly

The minute Stiles saw you falling, he took off his helmet and ran to you.

"I shouldn't let you play" he said

You are being so hard-headed because it is your first game and you cannot miss it.

"Hey, it's my fault. I should have listen to you" your other hand touches his cheek

The medic came and carry you to the ambulance. You saw Stiles and gave him a smile before the door is closed.

You have no idea what's going on in the game. Every minute, your level of nervousness keeps getting higher

You are now in one of the hospital rooms with Scott's mother.

"You're not watching the game?" you asked

"I have a lot of work here. And I think my son will be okay if I'm not there. So let's look at your left arm" she takes your swollen arm and place it gently at the table

You hold back your tears and try to hold the pain but it's useless. You screamed in pain and tears are now wetting your cheeks

"Wha- what happened? Are you okay?" Stiles barged in

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Did you guys win?" you asked him

"Yeah, we win" Stiles sit on the other side of the bed

"Okay, I have to tell you this" Melissa said

"Go on" you swallow a lump on your throat

"Your bones are damaged pretty hard and I'm afraid that it will snap into two" she sighs

"What do you suggest?" Stiles asks

"Don't move your arm a lot and of course, you can't play lacrosse. At least for two weeks" Melissa pressed her hand on your temple

You closed your eyes tightly and let out a frustrated sigh

"It's for your own safety, (Y/N)" Stiles added

"Okay. I'll do what you say" you finally said

Melissa removes her hand from your temple and smiled.

"I'll leave you guys alone" she said before standing up and headed to the door

Once Melissa is out, Stiles lay on the bed with you.

"We are heading out of Beacon Hills for the final game. I'll be gone for three days" he stroked your hair

"I'll miss you" you said

"I'll miss you more, baby" he places a gentle kiss on your forehead before falling asleep beside you


[The Next Day]


The sun is up and you feel the warmth around the room. You squeeze your eyes tightly because of the light

"How long have you been watching me?" you asked Stiles that is sitting on the chair beside your bed

"Not long. Kira is watching you while I go home and took a shower. We'll be going in twenty minutes" he said

You frowned and pouted your lips. The way Stiles liked it

"I want to stay but you know coach. Even Greenburg is playing. This is the real deal" he plays with your other hand which is not swollen

"Look, I promise I'll come back. These supernatural creatures don't exist outside Beacon Hills" he assured you

"Promise me one thing" you said

"Anything" he smiled

"Don't die, please. I mean it" you make an eye contact with his perfect brown eyes

He scoffed and gets up from the chair. He leaned in and kissed your lips tenderly.

"Here, keep this" he took off his red jacket and put it beside your head. Close enough to your nose

There is a soft knock on the door and the door opens. Scott and Kira are standing at the doorframe

"It's time" Scott says to Stiles

"You'll be okay, (Y/N). Get well really soon. I miss my AP biology seatmate" Kira said

"Thank you, Kir. Good luck for the final game!" you cheered them

"See you soon, (Y/N)" Scott waved at you. You gladly waved back.

You watched them go and send an assuring nod. Stiles looked at you for the last time and made a kissy face. You let out a giggle.


[Two days later]

"Bye Sydney!"

It was a long day without Stiles. You miss him each day. The bus finally arrived and you hop in.

It was not a long drive because you decided to crash at Stiles's house tonight. You are wearing Stiles's red jacket.

At the moment, you are sitting on Stiles's bed, waiting for him to come back. Your arm is wrapped in a bandage with a wooden stick inside to prevent your bones from moving.

"(Y/N)?" the sheriff knocked on the door

You get up and opened the door for him

"Hey, sheriff"

"I will be at the office tonight. Are you sure you want to stay here? I can drive you home" he asked

"I'm sure. I'll wait for him" you said

"Okay, then. Be careful" he said before walking downstairs

You close the door and sat on the bed again. You unlocked your phone and open Pinterest. You've pinned so many street style inspirations until you heard a noise downstairs

Silently, you walked downstairs and grab Stiles's baseball bat with your hand. You are ready to hit that thing. You raise the bat, ready to swing it

"Whoa whoa. (Y/N)!" Stiles came out of the kitchen with a sandwich in his mouth

"Stiles? Oh my god. You're back!" you put down the baseball bat and engulf him with a bear hug

He closes his eyes and kissed your forehead. He misses you a lot.

You heard him whimper and you just realized that his arm is bandaged like yours

"What happened?" you asked him

"Same thing happened to you. They are very huge" Stiles said, referring to the players

"Maybe the universe decided to share your pain with me" he added, smiling

You scoffed and you guys went straight upstairs to his room.

"It feels so damn good to be back home. I feel homesick" he said

Both of you exchanged stories how the day goes. And ended when you fall asleep on his chest.

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