Bonus : Lydia Martin

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I'm sorry

School break is over. You change your pj's with a halter neck clothes and a ripped jeans. You went downstairs, grab your backpack and wear your shoes.

"Bye mom, bye dad" you kissed your mother's cheek and then your dad

You went to the garage and grab your motorcycle key.

You wear your helmet, start the engine, and drove off to school.

You park your motorcycle beside the twins. They looked at you with confusion and then they shook their head in disbelief

"Not only you guys can ride" you said while taking off your helmet

"Chill, (Y/N). You look pretty today" one of them said

The other one walked inside already.

"Was it Ethan or Aiden" you couldn't identify them

"Aiden" he smiled and walked inside to catch up with his brother


"I don't know why she hated me, Kira" you said to your best friend

"Who?" she took a bite from the apple

"Lydia. She pushed me to a random classroom in the morning and told me to leave her alone at the end of history class" you explained

"Speaking of her..." Kira directed her eyes behind you

You turned around and saw Lydia with the twins, Scott, and Stiles. You rolled your eyes and sit beside Kira.

"Scott has a new tattoo" Kira said

"Seriously, Kira. If you are interested to join them, go ahead. I'm going to class anyway. See ya later!" you get up and walk inside

You decided to go to the restroom first. You enter the first stall and do your business. You open the restroom stall door and saw Lydia standing in front of you

"The other stall is empty" you said before making your way out

She grabs your right hand and pulled it.

"What the he-"

"Shut up and don't move. Whatever happens don't fight it" she firmly said

"Let go" you look at her

She lets go of your hand and send you an assuring nod.

Then, you saw two black ninjas appear in front of you and another two in front of Lydia.
One ninja place his hand at the back of your ear and stared at you with his glowing yellow eyes.
After he lets go of you, you fell to the ground and you feel very cold. You try to look at Lydia and you found her in the same condition with you.

You close your eyes because you hated the feeling of coldness. You decided to close your eyes and let the darkness take you

The twins, Scott, and Stiles barged in the bathroom. Stiles and Scott went over to Lydia while the twins went to you

"She's not waking up" Stiles said

"We can't stay here" Aiden carries you and Ethan holds the door

"Take them to the vet" Scott says


You open your eyes and saw Aiden is sitting on the chair beside you.

You notice that you are laying on a metal table beside a heater with a thick blanket wrapped around your body

"Hey" Aiden stroked your cheek

"Where am I?" you asked

"At the vet. We took you here" he explained


"There she is" he pointed at Lydia
who is laying on the metal table too

You try to sit but the pain in your head causes you to lay back again.

"Don't get up yet. Deaton says you have to wait at least fifteen minutes after you wake up" Scott told you

"I think I owe you an explanation" Lydia suddenly said which startled everyone in the room

"About the black creepy ninjas?" you stared at the ceiling

"They are called the Oni. They are looking for the Nogitsune" she started

"A Nogitsune is an ancient Japanese dark trickster fox spirit. Now the Oni is some kind of who kills the Nogitsune"

"Ethan and Derek are trying to find the Nogitsune. Which started at the Eichen House" Scott added

"Why are you telling me this?" you are very confused and have no idea what is she talking about

"I pushed you into a crowded classroom to prevent the Oni see you. And I told you to leave me alone so that you could run. And fyi, I don't hate you" Lydia admitted

"I'm sorry, Lydia. I always thought you hated me" you said

"I'm sorry too for telling this to you so late and for pushing you" she continued

"I should be the one thanking you for saving me" you smiled

"Can someone tell me if the fifteen minutes are up? I want to hug her" she says

"Fifteen minutes are up" Aiden checks his watch

Both of you struggles to lift the blanket up but managed it. With the help of Aiden and Scott.

You walk over to Lydia and hugged her tightly. She immediately hugged back

"You seriously need a shower" she whispered

"I know. You too" you laughed

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