Isaac Lahey

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Breaking up
part one

One night, Isaac nearly killed you because of the full moon and that really makes him depressed. Luckily, Derek was there and he roars at Isaac to scare him away.

After that incident, Isaac stays away from you and avoid any contacts with you.

"Are you gonna ignore me the whole semester?" you confronted him at his locker

He looks at you and stroked your cheek.

"I just can't afford losing you. Losing my dad was enough" he says before shutting his locker and walked away from you

"Love is weird" Erica stands beside you

"Yeah. And complicated" you added and started walking

"We have to get going. Any news on who the Kanima is?" Erica asks while catching up with your pace

"Not yet. But I'll keep looking" you told her

You went home and there is no one home yet. So you make some cereals with milk and went upstairs to your room.

You are very surprised to see Isaac laying on your bed

"How did you get in?" you asked

"The backdoor of your house isn't locked" he got up and takes your cereal. Then he sits back down on your bed

You watched him as he eats the cereal. You sit down beside him and crossed your leg

"You came over only for a bowl of cereal?" you simply ask

He left a half of the cereal and passed it to you. You eat the cereal while listening to him

"I wanted to talk about us" he states

"What about us?"

"I think we better break up" he blurted out. You almost spit the cereal that you are eating

"Why is that?" You put the bowl on your study table

"The Kanima thing. And I don't even know how to protect you. Last time, you had Derek"

"I dont need someone to protect me! You know what I need? I need my boyfriend back. I missed your touch, your hugs, your lips, and most importantly, I need you" you feel tears starting to form

"All I want is you to be safe. If that means I have to leave you" he stared at your eyes

You knew that he was serious and refused to believe him. You leaned in and kissed him desperately. He immediately kisses back.

"Don't do that" he breaks the kiss

You stared at him with confusion

"It just makes me difficult to leave you" he says and stands up

"I love you" he blurted out before he reaches the door and stepped out of your room.

"I love you too" you said quietly. But he closed the door too soon

You ran to the door and sits behind it.

You cried silently, not wanting him to hear it

Little did you know, Isaac was on the other side of the door sitting on the floor. He was crying too and it makes his heart shattered to pieces when he heard you crying

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