Theo Raeken

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(a/n theo's will be in bold and your's will be in Italic)

It's a sleepless night yesterday. You stayed up all night watching tv shows with Theo and now all you want is a long sleep.

Sadly, Finstock doesn't take any lame excuses and you are not in the mood for debate. You are trying so hard not to fall asleep.

You feel your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. Maybe just for five minutes you said to yourself. You close your eyes and put your right hand at your chin to support your face.

"(Y/L/N)!" coach screamed which makes you jump a little on your seat

"Huh?" you wake up and look around

The whole class stiffle a laugh. Even the pack laughed

"If I see you one more time closing your eyes or sleeping, you can say goodbye to lacrosse try-outs today and you will be a bench warmer" he threatens

Your jaw drops and you re-adjust your position. You decided to doodle at every blank space left.
In the middle of your doodling session, your phone vibrates and you pulled it out.

I can't keep my eyes open. I wanna go homee

You rolled your eyes and typed a reply

It was your idea in the first place. Thanks to you, I was caught sleeping in class by Finstock

After hitting send, you focused back to what's written on the board.

A minute later, you receive a text

But it was YOUR idea to watch a never-ending tv shows. I suggested that we watch a movie instead of tv shows

Okay I admit the idea was mine but you could've say no.

You might kill me if I don't agree with you. Right?

Hmm good point :D

You locked your phone and smiled like an idiot. Theo is your five years bestfriend and you couldn't get enough of him. Besides his evilness and a nightmare, he is actually a sweetheart.

But sadly, only you in McCall's pack believe and trust him.

I want to tell you something
And rn seems a perfect time


Took him long enough to reply. And every seconds passed, your heart is beating like crazy.

I really like this girl. She's not like other girls. She believes in me. I haven't got a chance to tell her I love her. What do you suggest?

Your jaw dropped and put your phone on the table. How could he? She's very lucky to have someone like Theo to love her. You thought.

You swore that you will not answer his text. But you can't show him you are jealous. You need to show some support to him.

Just give her flowers before you go home

You simply reply

Hm.. I don't think she likes flowers. Any other ideas?

He must be kidding. Okay, keep calm and just don't really think about it. The bell rings and that marked the end of school hours.

You pack your bags and decided to stay at class. Finstock already left.

"What are you waiting for?" Lydia asks

"Nothing. I need some time alone" you said

"Okay then. Bye, (Y/N)" Lydia closes the door and you place your hands at your face.

You hear the door opens.

"Lyds, I told you-" you saw Theo is standing at the doorframe.

"I'm looking for you" Theo sits in front of you and pulling his phone out of his pocket

"You want my advice? You should call her and tell her you love her" you said while picking up your bags and rushed out

Your phone vibrates and you answer it immediately. You thought it was your mom

"Hey mom, I'm going-"

"I love you" a familiar voice said through the phone

You turn around and saw Theo holding his phone to his ear.

He turns around to face you and smiled.

"I love you" he repeats

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