Scott McCall

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You sit on your usual seat and taking out your favourite book. Stiles sit beside you and smiled weakly.

"(Y/N)? Do you mind coming with me?" Morrell came to you and takes your hand

"No, not at all. I'll be right back" you said to Stiles before coming with her

You follow Morrell to her office. She opens the door and letting you in. The book is still on your hand.

"Sit" Morrell instructed and you did

"Okay. I'm gonna be straight to the point. What happened a week ago?" she asks

You sighed and told her everything.


It was a friday night and Scott is taking you for a coffee.

"I love you" Scott says when you sit behind him

"I love you too" you hugged his waist and he started to drive

You arrive at the coffee shop and order an iced vanilla latte. Scott's favourite drink is black russian coffee.

Scott and you talked for hours until the place is empty.

"It's late, Scott. Lydia will kill me if I come home late" you said, refering to your sister

"Let's go" he handed you the helmet and you both walk to his motorcycle

Then suddenly, the lights are flickering and Scott grabs you closer to him. The dread doctors came to view and you started crying

"I will protect you. No matter what" he said


"And after that, the dread doctors walked away. Scott and I went back to my house" you explained

"Let me tell you something. You and Scott never make it to your house. He's dead and you're hospitalized for three days" Morrell told you

"I don't believe it. He's here. With me" you confidently say

"He's not here, (Y/N)" she calmed you down

"He is right beside me, Ms. Morrell. I'm not insane" you stand up and walk to the door

You grab the door handle and mutter a 'i'm sorry' before heading out.

You came back to Stiles and sit beside him

"He can't be dead, right" you asked him

"You wanna know why I was put here?" he said

"Why?" you stare at him

"My brother died and I insists to be put here, at Eichen to cope with his death. Scott is dead, (Y/N). He will never came back to life"

"The night when the dread doctors came for the two of you, one of the doctors took his heart by shredding him to pieces. You fainted at the sight of Scott and you are hospitalized" he explains

"You are just as crazy as they are. Scott is not dead!" you screamed and Morrell came with two guys behind her

"It's time for your sleep, (Y/N)" she said before injecting a liquid to your neck


You are awake at exactly nine p.m, waiting for him. You sit at the squeaky bed with Stiles sleeping at the other bed.

You never imagine to be put in Eichen House with Stiles. And deep down, your heart knows that Scott is really gone.

The door knocks and your face lights up. You open the heavy door and saw Scott standing in front of you.

He is holding a helmet and gave it to you. You gladly took it and snake your arms to his neck.

You look at Stiles for the last time and mutter a 'goodbye'.

"Let's go" you said to Scott


T H I R D  P E R S O N' S  P O V

She's sleeping soundly at her and Stiles's room. Eichen House is pretty scary at night.

Then suddenly, at exactly nine p.m, she woke up and sit at her bed. Stiles is fast asleep because of the medicine Morrell gave him

She smiles and then stands up. She turns around facing her bed

(Y/N) grabs her blanket and tie it to the fan in the ceiling

She stands in her bed. Stiles is still asleep, unaware of what's going on to his girlfriend's sister.
She tie other end of the blanket to her head

"Goodbye, Stiles" she smiled

"Let's go" she jump off her bed and hang herself

Unfortunately, her neck broke the minute she jump off.


a/n :

i can't imagine if Scott really dies. by the wayy, i'm writing this at the middle of math class.

haha waht is wrong with mehh

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