Liam Dunbar

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You, Malia, Lydia, and Allison are heading to the basketball court to play.

Along the way, you noticed that someone is looking at you from the lacrosse field

"That guy over there is looking at you" Malia said, pointing at the guy who is sitting on the bench

"That's Liam Dunbar" Lydia states

"He's a Beta. Don't mind him and let's start" Allison added and grabs the ball from the ground

You put your bag on the side and catch up with your friends. You're with Allison while Malia teams up with Lydia.

Allison passes the ball to you and you stopped running at the three point line. You shoot the ball to ring and scored three points

After approximately ten minutes, you guys took a break and sits on the bench. Allison sits beside you and gives you your water bottle.

"Thanks" you take a big gulp from the bottle

Then you saw Scott, Stiles, Theo, and Liam enters the basketball court. You immediately lay on the ground and cover your face with a towel

"So it's girls against the four of you?" Lydia asks

"Yeah. Something like that" Stiles said

"And the loser has to do a dare from the winner?" she asks again

"Yeah. You girls go first" Scott says

Lydia grabs your hand and you are forced to play because you are the best three point shooter.

You dribble the ball with Liam guarding in front of you. You pass the ball to Malia, then Malia passes to Lydia. Lydia shoots the ball but blocked by Stiles

"We need a better plan" you said, not wanting to lose

"Try to jump or block or steal the ball" Allison suggests

"Crush them" Malia smirked

Allison dribbles the ball and you stand at the three point line. She struggles to pass the ball because Scott hugs her tightly from behind.

"Alli!" Lydia shouts and Allison pass the ball to her. Lydia passes the ball to you and you shoot it. The ball rebounded and luckily, Malia catches it. She shoots it and scores.

You high-fived Malia and you guys are leading.

This time, the boys go first. The ball is at Theo which gives Malia a chance to distract him. You watched as Malia bit her lip seductively which makes Theo loses his focus. You took the opportunity to steal the ball from him.

You swiftly ran and steal the ball from his hands. You turn around and bump someone hard until both of you fell, with you on top. You are positive that you bump Stiles. But it's not him

You opened your eyes and saw Liam is laying under you. You both stared at each other for a while.

"Sorry" you apologise, still in the same position

"I'm okay" he smiled

"This is a basketball court guys. Not a sex field" Stiles shouted and you glared at him

You got up and offer Liam a hand. He accepts your hand and got up too.

"Friday at Grill and Pizza?" he whispered

"Are you asking me out?" you asked

"Yes I am" he grinned and you cannot resist his eyes and face

"If I win then yes" you said and take your position

Final score is a tie and you are given a chance to win. You looked at Liam and he smiles at you. You shoot and score.

You come to him and kissed his cheek.

"I would love to go with you" you said

"Quadruple date!" Lydia and Malia shouts

"But first, wear a tutu for the rest of the day tommorow. That's your dare" Allison said

Stiles, Scott, and Theo grunts and beg their girlfriends to change the dare. But Liam only smiles and turns to you

"I'll be a cute ballerina" he joked and holds your hand

"You wish" you turn to him and an evil smirk appear on your face

"Oh, God" he sighed

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