Stiles Stilinski

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How you guys met


This is not really my day. I woke up late to school and at the end of school period, I have to go through detention. And coach doesn't take excuses for not coming to practice.


I snapped back to reality and looked at the substitute teacher.

"Yes, sir?" I answered him

"Can you do the problem number one on the board so that everyone can take notes?" He says

I looked at my book and there is a math problem written there. I sighed before standing up. I take the chalk from the teacher's desk and writes the problem on the board.

"(Y/L/N). Number two" he called someone

I heard groans and sighs from behind me. A girl stood beside me and started writing the problem. She looks so confused and you can tell that she doesn't get much sleep. I decided to help her

"Subtract the 5x and the 7x first. Then multiply it with two" I said softly

She looked at me and smiles. I return the smile and write again on the board.

I walked to my seat after finishing the problem. A minute later, she puts down the chalk. She walks past me and mutter something.

"They're coming to get me"

Then she fainted and I rushed to catch her before her body hits the ground. Black blood is coming from her nose and I knew she's not human.

"Take her to the clinic" the substitute says

I carried her body and run outside. I take her to my jeep and put her gently on the backseat.

"Scott? I have someone with me. I think she's a chimera" I called Scott while driving

"I'll see you at the animal clinic" he said before ended the call


I'm worried that the dread doctors came to get her. But no silver blood is coming out of her nose. I stand beside Deaton who is observing and injecting her with a green liquid.

"Is she okay?" I asked him

"You're right she's a chimera. But why would the doctors take her? She's not a failure" He explained

"Yet. Most of the chimeras are failures" someone said from the entrance

I look closely and it turns out to be Theo and Tracy behind him.

"And you're not?" I retort

"This is way beyond of what you knew, Stiles. Just hand (Y/N) to us" Theo step closer to us

Scott and I protectively step in front of her, who is laying hopelessly on the metal table.

"No. It's our job to protect her. Leave" Scott says firmly

Tracy turned into a Kanima and Theo just smirked while calming her down. Scott turned into a werewolf beside me. With just one swift move, Tracy paralyzed us. Including Deaton.

One by one, our bodies start to fall down. Then the numbness feeling start consuming us. I watched as Theo carries (Y/N).

"I'll find you, (Y/N). I promise" I yelled before they disappear


You woke up on a couch with some blankets. The last thing you remembered, you heard Stiles screaming your name. You guys never met but you wondered why Stiles knew your name.

"Thinking about him?" Theo kneels in front of you

"Him?" you asked back


"We've met before. He helped me with math before I collapse on the floor" you explained while looking to a big needle injected to your arm

"Really? Is your head okay?" he touched your head and his hand trailed down to your cheeks

"I'm fine. I wanna go home" you said to him

"That's not gonna happen" he says and leaned in to kiss you

He connected his lips to yours and you try to avoid it. But you are helpless because you are still recovering. Suddenly, Theo's body is pulled backwards. Then you saw Scott strangling him.

"Hey. You okay?" A boy with a red flannel appeared in front of you

"I'm okay" you smiled and he pulled the needle as gently as possible

"I told you I'd find you. We haven't properly introduce ourselves, actually" he said after successfully take out the needle

"I'm (Y/N)" you said


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