Scott McCall

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Christmas Eve

"This will look great on the tree. Don't you think?" you asked Scott while putting up a pack of red and white ornaments

"Yes it is. Oh, and match it with the white star Melissa bought" he suggests

"How about these stockings? The big one is for you, the medium's mine and the small is for Adelaide"

"Let's take them all" Scott smiles and kissed your forehead

You paid for the things and went straight to the parking lot. You are sitting on the passanger seat while Scott is driving

Scott's phone rings and he took it out. He passes the phone to you

"Hey, Stiles" you greeted him

"We were wondering if you guys and Melissa can join us tonight for christmas eve's dinner?" Stiles asked

"Yeah, sure. Name the time and place" Scott says

"So six o'clock at my place. Sounds good?"

"Okay. See you guys there" you said and ended the call

Scott parks the car in front of the kindergarten school and you both walked inside

"You must be Adelaide's parents. She's playing with the other kids inside the second door to your left" a teacher said

"Thank you. Happy holidays" you thanked her

Scott opens the door and found Adelaide is chasing her friend. Once she looks at both of you, she ran and hugged you then Scott

"Hey little wolf. Ready to go home?" Scott picks her up while you take her bag

"Yeah. Bye Valerie" she waved at her friend

You guys walked to the car and Scott opened the back seat. Adelaide crawled to her usual seat, which is in the middle.

"Having fun at school?" you asked her while buckling up her seatbelt and Scott puts her bag inside the trunk

"Mmhm ... Ms. Jill taught me how to draw a rabbit and an elephant" your three years old daughter mused

"That's great" you kissed her forehead and closed the back seat door

You sit at the passanger seat, closed the door, and Scott start driving home.

"We're going to uncle Stiles and aunt Lydia tonight" Scott annouced

"Are they gonna make mac and cheese? I miss aunt Lydia's mac and cheese" Adelaide told you

"I think so. I'm gonna tell Melissa" you said

You dialed Melissa and put the phone on the speaker. Adelaide beats you speaking to her

"Nana!" she screamed

"How's my grand daughter doing?" Melissa asks

"I'm good, Nana. Mommy, daddy and me are going to uncle Stiles tonight" Adelaide said

"That's right. And he asks you to come too" you added

"I would love to come, (Y/N). What time are you gonna pick me up?" Melissa asks

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