Chapter One

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"Dad calm down." Saint said leaning over and hiding his face in his hands.

"Calm down my ass. You don't tell me to calm down. I should beat yo ass." Jerome said. "That's yo sister why you didn't protect her?"

"Look I called her I got no answer. So I waited five minutes thinking she was doing something. I text and she didn't read it so then I figured something was wrong and went to go check it out." Saint explained.

"But you know she never misses your calls. She never misses none of our calls unless she's in school." Jerome yelled.

"Ma help me please?" Saint said looking to Deira. She looked away and scratched her head. "Ma?"

"She can't help you with this one. Because you fucked up. Now you might be grown, but you ain't too old for me yo beat yo ass." Jerome said. "Ya little sister is scarred for life because you fail to use your fucking head."

"Dad she knows she shouldn't have been hanging out with Kayla. She's a druggy, she's 20, she's a hoe, and she doesn't care for her."

Jerome stopped and folded his arms. "So why didn't you stop it?"

"Stop what?"

"Them from hanging out! Or atleast keep an eye on them." Jerome yelled again. "Your sister just got raped! She was being raped while you wasn't nothing but in the driveway."

"Ok I'm sorry. I'll go apologize."

"Get up and do it now. Sincere too." Saint got up and went upstairs to his sister's room.

"What the hell should I do to him?" Jerome asked Deira. She shrugged and looked Jerome up and down.

"Hey I have an idea," he looked at her and smiled. "How about we travel to-"

"If you say anywhere in Nigeria imma fuck you up." Jerome said. "With my dick that is."

Deira smacked and sat back. "I just want my family to know I'm alright. I won't tell them everything. I actually like it here, I just miss my family."

"We're not going." Jerome told her patting her theigh. "I don't trust you like that yet."

"Jerome for almost 16 years I've kept all your secrets and you can't trust me?" Deira asked. Jerome shrugged. "Ok then."

"She's not opening the door." Saint said coming downstairs. "I unlocked it but she piled shi-stuff infront of the door."

"Is she alive though?" Saint nodded. "She told me to leave."

"Alright. We can't rush her out. She gotta eat something." Jerome said going to answer the door. "Wassup nigga."

Jerome came back with Chris and Drake. "Hey Deira." She waved to both of them and went back into her phone. "Wassup Saint."

"Sup." He said. "Where's Mike?"

"Grayson called him in for something." Chris said.

"Well can you tell him to call me?" Chris nodded.

"Anyways," Drake said. "You wanna go by Grayson's with us? You know what today is and he needs an eye kept in him."

"Man don't remind me." Jerome said. "I still ain't over her."

"Damn you fucked one time."

"It wasn't even about sex with her to be honest." Jerome said picking his phone up. "Let's go though 'fore I get in my feelings."

"Can I come?" Saint asked.

"No, but you can wait for Cam to come out of her room." Jerome said. "D watch him." She gave him a thumps up and Jerome left.

"Why you being so mean to ole dude he just want to spend some time with his pops." Drake joked.

"Ok I let him call me dad, but only him." Jerome said. After he found out Grace was having a son and she left he just let Saint call him dad.

Drake laughed and they got in his car. "When his big ass moving out anyways?"

"I know. He need to beat it. He won't go ask Grayson for work and I'm not asking for him." Jerome told them. "I told him to just be a hitman like his brother and ain't no moves been made."

"He just need a little push." Chris said. "I'll get Mike to talk to him."

They arrived at Grayson's house and made their way to the door. They waited for a while before he finally decided to open the door.

"What man?" Grayson asked harshly. "You know I don't like people fucking with me today."

"We just came by to check on you to make sure you ain't doing nothing stupid." Drake said.

"Well I'm fine. Thanks for stopping by." He said rudely slamming the door.

The boys looked at each other before getting back in the car. "He's really gone." Jerome said.

"Well that was his sister." Chris reminded him. "Your first love."

"Yeah I mean his mom died, his dad disowned him, and the one boy he trusted with his last family member off'd her." Drake said. "He'll never get over that."

"Man don't even bring up how much I loved that girl. In nine months she changed my entire life and did whatever the hell it was she did, but I loved it." Jerome said. "I really just wanna atleast tell her bye."

"What was the last thing you said to her?" Jerome shrugged.

"Uh I kissed her, then I think I said I would call her or something." Jerome said. "But I know I kissed her."


"Now I wish I would've gave their relationship more attention." Jerome said. "I told her so many times to stay away from him."

"It's alright man. There wasn't really any thing you could do." Drake said. "And to be honest. Since she's gone I think it's only right for me to tell you she told me she didn't really like you and believed you didn't either. So that's probably why she kept him around. What you do to her?"

"Nothing." Jerome said. "Just leave it alone."

"My bad man." Drake said. He knew Jerome better than anybody and he knew that it hurt him to talk about Grace, he just never wanted to admit it.

"So where we headed?" Jerome asked.

"Well me and Chris were going back to our traphouse. Where you tryna go?"

"Take me there then." Jerome said sitting back. "I need a blunt."

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