Chapter Thirteen

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"He had a lot of questions that your name came up in." Jess said crossing her arms.

"You're so beautiful when you're spicy." He said stepping closer to her.

"You bounced after killing that innocent girl."

"She wasn't all that innocent and you know it." He said grabbing Jess's arm.

"Grace is dead, and it's your fault. You said you loved her and you lied. You said you loved me, but that was also a lie." She said pulling away. "What do you really want? And where is D'Angelo so I can cuss him out."

"I want you," he said smiling. "To keep my fucking name out your mouth."

"Kelly Kelly Kelly." Jess mocked poking her lip out.

"You're so lucky I can't kill you."

"Kelly Kelly Kelly." She continues to sing pushing him towards the door. "Kelly, tell D'Angelo not to come home tonight when you get back to your daddy's office."


"Bye Kelly." She said closing the door. "That dude can kiss my ass."

"Awe love you, too." He said flashing a key. "D'Angelo's."

"Why are you harassing me all of a sudden? Why are you even here?"

"If you want me to kiss your ass I will," he snapped. "But only if you washed it."

"Ha ha." She said as he walked over to her. She backed up and ran into the wall. He tried to get her to look at him, but all she did was laugh. "Back up."

"No, this is comfortable." He said leaning over her.

"No, this is stupid." Jess said pushing him back. He grabbed her hand and laughed.

"You know D'Angelo ain't doing nothing for you."

"He's doing more than you ever did." Jess said.

"What did I really do wrong that I didn't have a choice? My dad's going fucking insane. Grayson tried to kill him, killed my mom, kidnapped my two youngest brothers, then killed Dezmond. My dad needed to teach him a lesson. He wants his children back. Saint and Micheal? No, he wants Kingston and Monty. We all do." Jess stood looking down. "Nothing right? You're so big on family. Now you know we are, too."

"I didn't know it was that bad." Jess said trying to to show her sorrow or remorse.

"I'm bored." Kelly said tossing me the key. "Return that for me."

"Still a dick." Jess said as he walked away."Don't ever come back or I will tell Jerome."

"Don't ever threaten me cause I will kill Jerome, and Rome." He said slamming the door.

"Dumbass." She mumbled shaking her head. "Now hopefully he'll look out for an attack and I will be home sweet home."

Jess took a shower to wash away her momories that were flooding back with Kelly. He was caring. Ever since Grace's accident he's changed and it's been horrible.

After Rome's game, D'Angelo was late to pick him up and Jess began to worry. He sat outside with other not teammates waiting for his dad.

"So where'd you go the other day?" One of them asked.

"Doesn't really matter." He said. Rome got a text from Jerome asking if it was ok that he came to a game. Rome smiled and gave him the information for his next two games Saturday and Sunday. Jerome said he would be there and Rome nodded.

"I went to go meet my dad." He told Chez.


"No, my real dad. I'm adopted and I went to go meet him." Rome said.

"Really? Was he cool? Did you meet your mom, too?"

"Yes. Kinda. No."

"Well, you're not depressed so it can't be that bad."

"Yeah, hold up its my mom." Rome said.

"Did D'Angelo come pick you up?"

"No, where is he?"

"I don't know. I'm coming." Jess hung up.

"Hey Rome, good game." Riley said sitting him to him. Rome froze and forced a smile to keep from looking weird.

"Hey Riley."

"Bye man." Chaz said leaving.

"Peace." Rome said turning back to Riley. "So where you coming from?"

"With Dre, he asked me out." Rome nodded and looked down.

"Hey Rome come on." Jess said pulling up.

"Bye." Rome said.

"Bye. I'll call you tonight."

"I'll answer." He said getting in the car.

"So how'd the game go?" Jess asked.

"Good, we won." He said.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said. "I promise."

"Why did you and Emily break up?"

"How do you even know?"

"I do not have to answer to you." She said. "Now answer me."

"Didn't work out. I want somebody else." He shrugged. "But it doesn't matter. She doesn't like me."

"Aww. It'll be ok. Whoever she is she didn't deserve you and she's probably regretting her decision as we speak."

"I doubt it. But I don't wanna talk about it." He said sitting back. Jess shrugged and turned up the radio up.

When Jess got home, she saw D'Angelo's car in the driveway and she got out rushing in. She pulled him into their room and locked the door.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" Jess whispered. "I should leave you and never look back. All you do is betray me and lie."

"Jess shutup."

"No, Kelly showed up today. At my house trying to get under my skin about you, but you were already there. You keep doing these things that piss me off, and I can't keep taking it."

Babe, I can't just stop. I owe this dude my life and my daughter's. I can't risk us both for you."

"I'm not asking you, too." Jess said. "I'm asking you to mind your fucking business if you can't keep mine."

"Guessing you're not interested in what Smiles had to ask?"

"Hell no. Leave. You're sleeping on the couch." She said. "Had Rome waiting on you and never bothered to call or text."

"Hey, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry." Jess mocked. "I'm tired of you being sorry. Just leave."

D'Angelo walked out and Jess shook her head. "He needs to get his life together."

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