Chapter Nine

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"Yall are back early." Rome asked. "So you're coming to my game!"

"Yeah, no. We came back to get yall. We figuered we shouldn't have all the fun."

"But my game's tonight." Rome said.

"I've already talked to your coach and we agreed you'll be back for Thursday's game."

"But they need me tonight."

"Look we have a long trip ahead of us. We need to get going now." She said. "Only pack enough for two days."

"Rome you're riding with me and Monique with D'Angelo."

"We're taking separate cars?" D'Angelo asked.

"We're taking seperate cars." Jess confirmed, then whispered, "I gotta break this to him easy and alone."

"Right." He said. "Where is Monique?"

"Uh, in her room?" Rome said.

"No she's not. Where is she?" Jess asked.

"She went out. I didn't get details." D'Angelo called her and they had a long quiet conversation and Jess turned to Rome.

"I know you're bummed about not playing tonight, but what you're about to find out will make it all better." Jess promised. "Now go pack."

"If you say so." He said going to the back. D'Angelo came back and kissed my head.

"I hate seeing him sad."

"It's fine. He'll be fine." He said smiling. "Don't worry."

"So how much time before the kids are ready?" Jess asked with a slick smile on her face.

"Enough time for us." He said.

"Oh God please not while I'm here." Rome said. "I'm done packing."

"You've got everything?" He nodded. "Ok. We're waiting for Nique so it could be a while."

"Yeah, figures. But what about school?"

"Stop worrying so much." Jess said. "We're about to leave Monique where is she?"

"I'll go call her." D'Angelo said excusing himself.

"What is the news that's gonna cheer me up?" He asked.

"Wait until we hit the road. I'm gonna need the time to tell you." She said.

"Ok are you gonna drive the whole way? Because I can't help you. I only have a permit." Rome asked.

"With a parent you can drive." Jess said.

"Not down the highway. I'm not advanced." He said. "Ma, we can ride with Dad and Nique. Whatever it is I'm sure it's not that important."

"Yeah it is. You'll want space."

"Can't you just hint me?"

"She's here and she knows she only has 20 minutes or we're sending her to grandma's house while we're gone."

"Nice one." Jess said. "No." She said putting her hands on Rome's shoulders. "Driving down the highway is the best part."

"What he scared to drive?" Jess nodded. "Rome she's right. It's fun, going that fast."

"What if we get pulled over?" He asked.

"Look, we'll figure something out." Jessica said. Monique came down quickly.

"Ok, I'm done let's go. I'm not doing to Grandma's house." Monique said passing us.

"Well we're ready. Let's get going if we're gonna get there before midnight."

"Right." Jess said patting Rome's back. "Let's go."

"Well, I don't know." He said following everybody out of the house. "Why can't I just stay?"

"Ok, so I have a story to tell you." Jess said.

"About what?"

"You have to promise to not be mad and stay calm. It'll all make sense in the end." He nodded.

"Is it about that birth certificate. If I'm not your child I don't wanna hear about it." He said. "I'd rather be yours then somebody else's."

"Yeah." I said getting in with him. "I gotta tell you eventually and what better time then now."

"Ok, now I'm kinda scared."

"I can't believe they left us." Jess said stalling.

"Now you're stalling. You're not helping." He said.

"Ok it's hard for me too." She said. "I don't want you to see me differently."

"Ma, stop beating the bush."

"Ok, a long time ago there was this girl named Grace," she started. She talked for three hours telling him everything and explaining all of Smiles plans and how he fit into it and what his part was in it. Rome took it better than expected, but his eyes were a little big.

"Wow. So my mom is dead, and we're going to meet my dad?" Jess nodded slowly. "I can't believe it. You're serious. I don't have to live with him do I? What about school and basketball. You were right this is a big jump."

"No of course not. I'm not sending you off with him. You'll always be mine no matter what."

"Good. I don't wanna live with drug dealers."

"Look, when we get there you're gonna pretend like you don't know him. I told him I'd let him tell you. Alright?" He nodded. "Good." She took a deep breathe. "That was actually easy. So you know what to do?"

"I see him. I play dumb. Easy."

"The advanced stuff."

"Yeah, that, too." He sat back. "I'm kinda nervous. What's he like. Should I not like him?"

"Defiantly not. Get to know him. After your season's over we're coming back. Smiles had big things planned, but I talked him into waiting until after your season. Except for this. He is a man of patience."

"I wanna meet him. And Kelly." Jess smiled.

"It doesn't work like that." He smacked. "We're here!" He said excitingly.

"You know sometimes I forget you're 15. That's good and bad." Jess said. He smiled at her and rolled his eyes. They met D'Angelo and Monique at the hotel and Jess went in on them for leaving her and Rome.

"I'm sorry babe." He said kissing her. He looked up. "He know?"

"Know what?" Monique asked.

"Dad isn't my dad and mom isn't my mom. And were going to meet my real dad." Monique gasped and smiled.

"So I'm an only child?!" She asked happily. Rome looked down and Jess grabbed her by the arm.

"Rome's mom is dead." She told her. Monique stopped and looked at him. She walked over and hugged him and he smiled.

"But you'll always be my brother." She said.

"Besides he's not staying. He's meeting." Jess said.

"Let's get some sleep." D'Angelo said. "I bought rooms already. Girls and boys." He said handing me a key.

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