Chapter Twenty-Six

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"So how's the hood life?" Cam asked Rome.

"I've been here for two days." He said. "I haven't been shot so I guess I'm fine."

"Why would you get shot?" She asked. "Nobody ever shoots anyone around here. This isn't the bad neighborhood. The trap house my dad runs is the place you don't wanna be."

"Ok I got a question. Who is Deira?"

"Dad's weirdo bitch. She literally is dumb as shit. It's hard to describe. I don't really know where she came from or how dad and her got together I just know she's been around since I was a baby." She said.

"Did dad ever tell you if you'd met my mom?"

"Yeah my mom did actually. She babysat me one time. Well more like Jerome kidnapped her and forced her to take care of me while he went and did some other shit. But my mom told me how our moms we're friends, too."

"It seems like everybody liked her so much."

"From what I hear. She was a good person. And a perfect student. It's sad because she worked hard all those years to be top of her class and didn't make it to graduation."

"Wow I didn't know that. So she never graduated?" She shook her head.

"She was three days away from it, too."

"Interesting." Rome said standing up and walking away.

"Hey," Cam called following him outside. "Where are you going?"

"For a walk." He said. "I just need to think."

"Want me to come? You could get lost."

"Naw I have my phone. I'll just use maps." He said waving her off and walking away.

Rome couldn't admit that he was a little angry at how much better Cam knew his mother than he did.

"Jerome must talk about her a lot." Rome said kicking a rock. He started down the street keeping track of the signs and houses so he knew how to get back.

He noticed it wasn't that bad of a neighborhood. People had their doors open and kids were playing in the street. He wasn't used to it because in his neighborhood nobody was this free. Kids usually stayed indoors and it was mainly just adults walking around. He found a store and decided to take a break to buy some snacks and a drink.

"What you doing way over here?" Rome jumped and turned around throwing himself into the freezers. "Woah."

"Oh. Jerome it's you." He said calming down. "I just wanted some snacks."

"Oh well come on I'll pay." He offered.

"Ok. Thanks." Rome said following him to the counter. He bit the inside of his lip waiting for the right time to ask his question.

"Anything else you want?" Rome shook his head and Jerome put his beers on the counter. Rome followed and put his food up as well.

"So you care to ride on a few errands with me?" He asked. "Or would you rather walk back to the house?"

"Oh, um I'll go." Rome said. "He wouldn't invite me on anything dangerous." Rome thought getting in the car with him.

Jerome pulled out his phone and smiled at a booty call he was getting. He wanted to respond with an "otw", but he finally got his son and he didn't want to bail out on him.

"If you wanna play some music you can." Jerome told him. "Just don't play no wack shit."

"Ok." He said texting his friends and barely paying attention.

He rode for a bit before taking in his surroundings. "Hey, where are we going?"

"To get something to eat." He said. "I don't know about you, but I'm  hungry."

"Is it fast food?"

"I don't know how to answer that." He said. "It's a family owned joint. You can't spare one cheat day for lunch with your pops?"

"I guess." He said shrugging. "One time couldn't hurt."

"I actually used to take your mom there all the time when we were dating. And sometimes after we broke up."

"Really?" Rome asked. Jerome peeked his interest and he was interested.

"Yeah, she was always alittle scared though. Considering my ex worked there. We always ordered for each other and switched food." He said chuckling as he parked. "Let's go."

"I'm guessing Grace ran into a lot of your exes?" Jerome shook his head.

"Naw nothing like that." He said. "I wasn't that kind of boyfriend."

They walked in and Rome looked around. This is where he likes to spend his time? Rome asked himself.

"Damn!" Jerome said licking his lips. "Wassup Sydney? Girl where you been?" Rome looked around his father and at the lady he was talking to.

"I been around." She said batting her eyes. Jerome smiled and looked her up and down.

"So what's up witchu?" He asked trying to be discreet.

"Momma I got the food." A girl said coming up and looking at Jerome and Rome. Her and Rome locked eyes and she started blushing.

Rome rolled his eyes and looked back at his phone.

"Look how about I call you?" She said. Jerome nodded. "Now who is this handsome young man? A nephew?"

"No he's my son." Jerome said pulling him up. "I'm caring for him for at the moment. This is Rome."

"Rome? His mother must've hated you." She said. Jerome grip tightened on Rome's shoulder and he flinched. "Well this is my daughter Nova." She said bringing her daughter to the front of her. "She's 15."

"So is he." He said.

"Oh that's cool. She actually needs an escort for her leadership ball." She said. "She hasn't been able to find an escort and it's luck I run into you."

"Moooom!" Nova whined in an embarrassed tone.

Jerome smacked. "Naw what you think this is-"

"No it's fine I don't mind." Rome said cutting Jerome off. Nova's eyes got wide and she looked shocked.

"Really?" Jerome asked surprised.

"Yeah." He said.

"Really?" He confirmed. "You know this means you have to escort her."


"So what are you saying?" Sydney interrupted. "Is my Nova not good enough for your son?"

"Girl shut up. You know that's not what I mean."

"Don't talk to me like that infront off my daughter." She said.

"Jerome I'll do it." Rome said.

"Whatever. I'm not paying for anything. You better run this by Jess."

"She'll actually be happy for me."

"Look we're about to go get some food. I'll drop by with the kid later." Jerome said pushing Rome along.

"Nigga how you gonna except that shit I'm not tryna have no ties with her." Jerome whisper-yelled.

"What? Did you see how her daughter was looking at me?" Rome said. "She was blushing and stuff."

"Yeah, great, but I wanna fuck her mother and children make everything difficult." He said throwing his hands up and shrugging. "Now order nigga before I change my mind."

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