Chapter Twenty

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"Damn looking good Jess." Trayvon joked laughing. "See you had it rough. Did it not go as planned?"

"No. I killed Ronnie though." She said grabbing a bottle and sitting down.

"Let's see Grayson try some shit like that again. He can't put me out of business."

"And you can't put him out of business. Unless you know, find another gun supplier."

"Shut. Up." He said. "Why are to here? Why is she here?" He asked Phresh.

"Because you asked her to come over." He replied smartly.

"Why am I in a room full of smart asses?" He asked. "You guys make me feel dumb everytime."

"You are dumb." Jess said rolling her eyes.

"Funny I don't remember you saying that oh, 17 years ago."

"When you're young you're dumb. You were just dumber." She said. Phresh laughed and Trayvon growled.

"Ok." Trayvon said aiming his gun at Jess, but she was already aiming hers.

"You don't wanna play." She said with a smile.

"How do you know?"

"I can dodge a bullet." She said with a smile.

"Lier." He said.

"Try and shoot me." She said standing up. "Do it."

"New because if I hit you my dad will be mad."

"But you won't hit me." She said.

"This is one of your stupid tricks." He said putting his gun away and crossing his arms. "I'm not falling for it."

She put her's away, too. "Ok. Anyways what's the move?"

"Did Rome tell Grayson that Kelly was coming down next week?" I nodded.

"Good." He said. "I'm gonna go call my dad. Help yourself to whatever." He said walking away.

"So Jess," Phresh said walking over to her and sitting down. "What you thinking bout?" She shook her head. "Grayson?"

"A little bit." She said.

"I can help you get your mind off it." He said leaning over.

"Zeno I just broke up with D'Angelo." She said.

"Oh yeah have you heard anything from him?" I shook my head. "Because Smiles is looking for him and he not getting back to nobody."

"I hope they find and kill him."

"You don't mean that." He said. She shrugged.

"Maybe I do." I said.

"You know while you're here we'll be working really closely together so if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." He said smiling.

"Yeah." She said rolling her eyes. "I'll think about it."


"Forreal." She said standing up. "I have to get home. I have a son to take care of. Where's Trayvon?"

"Probably still on the phone."

"Oh well I need to get going and you're kinda my ride." She said hinting that she needs him to get up.

"I'll take you." He said standing up. "Aye Tray! We leaving!"

"Ight! I'll get back with you!" He yelled back.

"Let's go." Jess said.

She had Phresh drop her off before she got home incase something was going on she'd be ready. She went in through the bathroom window and checked on Rome before scanning the rest of the place.

She took a shower and changed getting something to eat. "Man this was a crazy day."

"What you talking about?" Jerome asked. "Grayson got shot! What happened?"

"I dont really know." The boy said. "He wah at Ronnie place cause they was gettin ready for a meetin and somebody gassed em and killed Ronnie and shot Gray in his arms. It's crazy cause the door locked and the room intact. Gray said it was somebody in a black suit an they wah on tha' ninja type shit."

"What else happened?"

"He says he don't know. He passed out."

"Damn. Alright thanks for that." Jerome said hanging up.

"What happened?" Deira asked.

"Gray was shot." He said. "Not clear on details, but it happened."

"Oh." She said. "Go back to sleep."

The next day Jerome went to Grayson's house and knocked on the door. He waited until he opened the door.

"Dude I could be dead. What the fuck took you so long to get over here?" Jerome looked at the two bandages around his arms.


"Whoever it was, was holding back." Grayson said. "And they did their homework. They shotme through my left arm and grazed my right."

"True." He said. "Somebody doesn't want you dead. But they wanted Ronnie dead."

"Only you knew I even dated the nigga." He said. "But I know you ain't no trader."

"What if they weren't trying to take your boyfriend from you?" Jerome asked. "Maybe he had an enemy?"

"Then why I'm still here." Grayson asked shaking his head and looking at Jerome like he's stupid.

"Maybe you're in alliance with them and Ronnie wasn't." Jerome said.

"They shot me."

"Didn't you shoot at them?"


"Well that's why." He said. "Now explain this ninja shit to me."

"They dropped from the ceiling, executed Ronnie with a silenced weapon, dodged my bullet, shot me in both my arms, and jumped back up through the vent. All without me seeing them." He explained. "That's a ninja."

"I don't believe that. You're just ashamed to admit that you missed your shot." Grayson rolled his eyes. There was another knock on the door and Jerome answered it looking at Jess.

"What?" Grayson asked.

"Rome told me you were shot. Just wanted to check in." She said walking in.

"Hi." Rome said showing up behind Jess.

"You told him?"

"Yeah, you are his uncle."

"We don't know that for sure." Grayson said.

"Well, you could atleast say it was nice of me to come check on you." Rome said smartly.

"Aye, you watch you're mouth." Grayson said.

"If you watched where you were aiming you wouldn't have two bandaids around your arms." Rome said laughing.

"I'm finna give you matching one's and lets see if you watch your mouth." Grayson lunging at him and Rome evaded his grasp. "Get your son." He said to Jerome.

"We don't know he's mine for sure..." Jerome said rubbing his chin.

"You know what." Grayson said. "Everybody out."

"Well, we're leaving anyways since we see you're completely fine." Jess said. Rome waved bye to Grayson and he jumped at him. Rome ran out and Jess followed him along with Jerome.

"So what's your move for today?" Jerome asked.

"Nothing." Jess said.

"Hey, same. We should hang out." He said.

"What you have in mind?" Jess asked. Jerome smiled.

"I like how y'all are just making plans like Im just supposed to stay home all day by myself." Rome said. Jess and Jerome laughed.

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