Chapter Six

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"Ma, I can't drive." Rome said. "How am I supposed to get to practice if you and dad are gone? Monique won't take me."

"Yes she will because I said so. You'll get there on time and be picked up accordingly." Jess assured him picking up her final bag.

"Where are you guys going anyways?" He asked.

"We will be back. Don't worry." She told him zipping her jacket up.

She smiled and went in the house seeing Monique. "You guys know the rules and don't try to get around them because you will regret it." She warned.

"Tell Monique that." Rome said.


"Yes, mother. No parties, no boys, blah, blah." Jess smiled and walked to the back. She grabbed Rome's birth cetificate and locked their room up before walking back downstairs. If they do open it she had a sensor that would tell her.

"Stay out of my room." She said lastly before walking out.

"You ready?" D'Angelo asked. She nodded.

"Just was kinda hoping I'd go by myself."

"And fuck up Smiles's plans. Ha, you're funny." He said.

"I love how much you trust me." She said gripping his face. He smiled at her.

"I don't trust anyone, Jess and you know that." She dropped her hand into his lap and patted his thigh.

"I will be the first." He chuckled and held her hand kissing it.

"Let's just get to where we're going and get this over with." D'Angelo said. "Get your hands off me before I made a pitstop on your ass."

"I like that idea daddy." Jess laughed reaching to the back for a blanket. D'Angelo turned the radio up as Jess got comfortable.

"Wake me up halfway, and I'll drive." She said closing her eyes.

"Aye Jerome." Saint said smiling. Jerome put his phone down and looked up nodding and yawning.

"Please tell me you moving the fuck out." Jerome said.

Saint rolled his eyes. "No, I'm not moving out. I got a job."

"Aye! You finally talked to Grayson?"

Saint sighed. "Well, no. I was thinking about it and I decided that I want to go to college."

"College?" Jerome asked laughing. "What the fuck you mean college?"

"Camiella's going?" Saint pointed out.

"Camiella doesn't have a choice."

"Yeah and I do." Saint said. "And I'm choosing to finish school."

"Alright as long as it keeps you out my house and out my hair. Do what you want." Jerome said.

"Thank you." Saint said smiling. "Just know, imma get this bread, imma just get it the right way."

Jerome sucked on his teeth watching Saint leave. "Ungrateful ass nigga."

Jerome stood up and went to find Deira. "Did Saint tell you he wants to go to school?"

"Yeah, I told him it was a good idea. What do you think?"

"I think it's stupid. That's not what I raised him for. I spent the last 15 years of my life taking care of somebody else's kid. Not even my own daughter. Ok I expected better from him."

"He is doing better. He's gonna make it out of the hood. He's going to be bigger and better things. You should be happy."

"Well I can't."

"Saint's smart. You just don't see it." Deira said standing up and rubbing his shoulder.

"How can I when I'm always looking at you?" He asked sexually grabbing her butt.

"You're right." She said wrapping him up and kissing her. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Does it involve sex?" She nodded. "Then we must be."

"Um. Not right now." Camiella said.

"What are you doing here?" Jerome asked.

"Well, I came to pick up Saint and he told me you don't want him going to school." She ranted. "What's wrong with that?"

"Camiella this don't concern you." Jerome said. "Now go home it ain't safe here."

"Don't worry I'm leaving." She said. "But this conversation is not over."

"Yeah yeah." Jerome said turning back to Deira. "Now where were we?" Deira kissed him again and felt down his chest.

"I believe we were about to have sex." She said smiling.

"Yeah." He said kissing and slipping his hands in her pants. She moaned and pulled Jerome's shirt off attacking his lips. He carried her over to the bed and undressed her fully exposing her little body. She rubbed her titties and smiled pinching her nipples.

"Man, I could fuck you every night." Jerome said ripping a condom open and throwing the wrapper to the side.

"Let's get past tonight." She said wrapping her legs around him. He kissed her neck and slid in listening to her moan. It barely drowned out the knock on the door and Jerome stopped, pulling out and getting dressed.

"What?" Deira asked.

"Ain't nobody supposed to be here, and my niggas don't knock." He said picking up a gun and walking downstairs. He held the gun up and quickly opened the door. A man and a woman stood there with smiled on their faces.

"Jerome right? May we come in?" She asked.

"Aye who the fuck are yall?" He asked jabbing at them with the gun.

"No need for this." She said swiftly passing him and emptying his clip before he had time to react. "We came to talk. Trust me. It's something you wanna hear." She said holding his arm. "I'm Jess by the way, and this is D'Angelo."

Jerome turned to punch her but she ducked and D'Angelo held him back. "Who are you?"

"Jess and D'Angelo." She repeated. "Take a seat. We have something to tell you."

"Man hell naw."

"Where's the other girl?" She asked walking upstairs. "Whatever, anyways," she clapped. "I have good news."

"What?" Jerome asked angrily.

"You remember Grace, right?" Jerome tried to lunge at her but D'Angelo held him back.

"Don't you dare say her name, ever!" Jerome said. "What about her? You got her?"

"Listen to her." He said.

"She was pregnant when she left, right?" Jerome tried to get free again. "What if I told you...your son didn't die?"

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