Chapter Twenty-One

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"Ma, you're seriously gonna go out with him?" Rome asked as Jess pampered herself. She rolled her eyes.

"Rome, who is the adult and who is the child?"

"I know, but this is weird to me. My parents are going on a date and I'm the only one who knows what's really going on." He said.

"Don't worry. Nothing will happen that shouldn't." She said finishing up her lipstick and popping her lips.

Jerome pressed Jess's head against the pillow as he pounded into her. She moaned and gripped to the sheets.

"You like that shit don't you?" He asked bending over her ear.

"Yeah." She panted. "Yeah, fuck."

"Mhm, you never had dick like this before have you?" He asked.

Jess smiled and shook her head. "I wouldn't say that." She said throwing it back. "I'm gonna cum."

"Shit. Same." He said switching positions and putting her on her back. He kissed her neck and her lips, messaging her breast. Jess wrapped her legs around his waist and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"This is not what was supposed to happen." She said as she climaxed. Jerome did as well and pulled out.

"You enjoyed it." He said trashing the condom and laying beside her.

"I did." She said rolling over and kissing his cheek. "You were right. D'Angelo didn't do this pussy justice."

"I always know what I'm talking bout baby. You should trust me more often." He said.

"JEROME!" Deira yelled banging on the door. "I know you're not doing what I think you're doing."

He sighed and shook his head. "Deira go find something else to do. You bothering me."

"Jerome I'm serious. You didn't ask if you could bring another female over." Jess slowly got up and got dressed.

"Leaving so soon?" Jerome asked.

"I don't have to. I'd just hate for her to come in and see me naked with you. Or naked period." She said making herself laugh.

"I don't know how I feel about that." Jerome said walking over to her. "You might not stay in those clothes for much longer."

"Fuck it Jerome. Just come out when you're done." Deira stomped away leaving Jess and Jerome alone.

"You know your son's already uncomfortable with his adoptive mom hanging out with his biological dad. I know he'll be grossed out of he heard about a baby." Jess said.

"Are you trying to tell me something?" Jerome asked with a smirk.

"Actually I'm not. With the way Rome turned out, I'd say you don't need anymore children." She said sitting on the corner of the bed. Jerome sat beside her and laughed.

"Rome is great. I think all of my kids are great." He said.

"Damn, you make it seem like you have more than two."

"Naw, just Camiella and Rome, but I like to claim Saint. Even though we both know he's not mine. He still thinks his parents are dead."

"What? You haven't told him his dad's alive? That's torture. He has to go everyday of his life thinking his mom and dad are dead. You of all people should know how that feels."

"Yeah, but the woman I loved died."

"Saint's mom died too." He rolled his eyes.

"I'll tell him." Jerome said. "But know I'm not doing this out of spite for him keeping my child away. Saint's focused in life and as much as I don't like it. I have to. He wants to go to school and do something. I don't know what telling him will do. He's a sensitive person."

"I'm not mad at you. I knew the truth and I didn't try to get Rome to you any quicker."

"I just wish Grace was here. I told her so many times to stay away from Kelly. I wanna know what drew her towards him?"

"Was it how you acted? Did you show her the love she really needed?"

"Honestly nah. By the time I realized I was lying to myself and I loved her it was too late. Kelly already convince her to come his way. I believe she was cheating on me. Nobody believes me and they think I'm in denial. Grayson hates when I say that. He doesn't believe she's capable of cheating."

"Everybody's capable of cheating." Jess said.

"Why am I so comfortable with telling you all my business?" He asked laying back on the bed.

"I don't know." She said crawling in the bed beside him. "Do you trust me?"

Jerome stared at her for a second before sitting up. "You should leave." He said opening the door.

Jess smiled and stood up grabbing her things. "Ok. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." He said following her out. Jess left and Jerome called Grayson.

"So why you not answering your phone?" Grayson asked. "I got shit for you to do."

"I was getting some pussy from this super fine MILF." He said laughing. "It was great."

"Are you talking about Jess?"

"Yep." He said popping the p. "It felt pretty fucking good."

"I don't care about that. What I care about is if you're coming by or not. I'm interested in finding out who killed by baby." Grayson said.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that. I don't have that problem."

"I can't even make a joke right now because the only person you lost was my sister and your mother." He growled. "Meet me at the trap so you can catch this ass whooping." He said hanging up.

Jerome ignored his last comment and grabbed his keys getting ready to leave.

"Jerome you bitch ass nigga. Where are you going?" Deira asked.

"Grayson wants to fight. Imma go beat his ass." Jerome said walking away.

"Sooooo, anything you wanna tell me?" She asked.

He shook his head. "Have a nice day sweetie." Deira stepped infront of the door and shook her head.

"You're not leaving yet. I need you to stop bringing other females in the house." She requested shaking her finger in his face.

"Girl get outta here. You don't pay no fucking bills." Jerome said. "Bye."

"We are so not done with this conversation." She said as Jerome pushed her to the side and walked out.

"Jerome. Hey,"

"Saint I gotta go we'll talk later." Jerome said patting his shoulder.

"Um, ok." He said shrugging and walking in the house.

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