Chapter Seventeen

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Jerome got a call on his phone and he took a deep breath after seeing the id. "Wassup? I'm kinda busy....uh huh.....oh....well I can't come."

"What was that?" Rome asked.

"Oh, nothing more important than this." Jerome lied.

"Ok. You sure? It seemed important." Jerome nodded.

"Yeah, continue." Rome shrugged and his story about how the girl he liked was going out with his teammate.

Jerome got another call and rolled his eyes at the id. "Look maj, call me one more fucking time and I'll kill you my damn self. I told you I'm busy." Jerome hung up and shook his head. "Sorry bout that. These niggas crazy."

"Well, there's really nothing else." Rome said.

"Alright. My turn." Jerome said. "Where should we start? Maybe I don't know. Seventeen years ago."

"What happened 17 years ago?"

"I met your mom." Jerome said. "Well technically I already knew her. I use to bully her. I thought her lame ass liked me and blah blah blah we're not gonna tell about that." Jerome said.

"Ok, before we talk about Grace. I want to know about your side of the family. Maybe you could talk Grayson into introducing me to my granddad."

"Don't bet on it. Grayson hates you and him and his dad don't talk." Jerome said. "I'll do it. He hates me just as much, but he'll open the door."

"Ok, what about you?"

"Honestly, I died in my mom's arms, I don't know my dad, and I grew up with my auntie, I call her mom. It made me feel better." Jerome said. "I guess we're not too different." Jerome stood up. "Come on."

"Where we going?" Rome asked standing up.

"A few places." He said grabbing his keys. "You wanna meet your granddad right?"

"Of course." Rome said.

"Well, let's go. I'll tell you on the way to the cemetery. We go see my mom first."

"What about Grace's mom?"

"Ask Gary." Jerome said. "That's Grace's dad."

"Ok." He said.

"Ok, so now for the past we've all been waiting for, drum roll childhood." Jerome scoffed. "Believe or not. I was not always sick, horrible, drug dealing, lost person I am today."

"Really?" Rome asked.

"Yeah. I use to be good." Jerome said. "I use to make good grades and be a good kid. Then I met your uncle. I was a straight A student. I used to play football. This is my warning to you. Don't fall into the wrong crowd jr. You've got it soo much better than I did."

"That's it?"

"No, but I don't wanna spoil it. We're here." Jerome said getting out. He scanned the rows before walking down one. Rome followed him and Jerome smiled stopping infront of one.

"This is her grave." Jerome said squatting down.

"Chanel D. Hamill." Rome said bending over besides him.

"She's the only reason I graduated high school. That and your mom." Jerome said. "Ok, time to go. I'm getting depressed."

"Not yet. I don't even know anything about her."

"And I wish I could tell you." Jerome said standing up. "My mom said she was a great person. She always encouraged others, and was loving. She was in school when she died. Didn't even get to graduate. That's everything."

"Oh." Rome said.

"Let's just go see if Gary's home." Rome said getting in his car.

"Yeah." Rome said. The car ride was quiet and he decided to speak.

"Sorry about getting out of there so quickly. It's just I feel like I'm the bad guy, because she died bringing me here, and all I did was screw it up." Jerome said shaking his head.

"I'm sure she's happy you're still living and doing fine." Rome said.

"Just like Grace. I know she's proud of you." Rome nodded and looked down.

"Well, this is where your mother grew up and where you were made." Jerome said unbuckling. "And it looks like the old fart is here."

"Ok, ew." Rome said getting out. "Don't wanna think about that."

Jerome laughed and patted his back. "Forgot. You're a softy."

Jerome knocked on the door and an old Gary slowly opened it looking up at Jerome. His expression changed and he growled.

"I thought I told you never to show your face around here." He said closing the door. Jerome knocked again and they waited. He kept knocking until Gary opened up again and smiled.

"You probably hate me, but I got someone I want you to meet." Jerome said pulling Rome up. "My son."

"I don't care."

"Oh, but you do." Jerome said. "You see, Rome here is 15 years olds. His mom's dead, and we all thought he was dead, too."

"I don't want your lies." Gary said.

"It's true." Rome said. "I'm Grace's son. I just wanted to meet you and learn about My mom's side of the family. She doesn't know I'm here?"

"Prove it?"

"Don't deny the boy the chance to know his biological grandparent. Tell him about his mom. You know her better."

"What do you mean he's with Jerome?" Smiles asked.

"I mean they're doing their bonding time. I want Rome to have someone like that in his life."

"But he won't be in his life because you'll tell him I won't have it."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll do it."

"Do what?" Grayson asked sneaking up behind Jess.

"Grayson." She said clearing her throat. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"You're in my city. I know everything. So what were you talking about?"

"It was personal. I don't have to answer to you."

"Well, as my younger sister, yes you do." Grayson said stepping towards her.

"Well as the person that watched your younger sister die, I'd say she's not answering to anyone at the moment."

"Admit it. You're not fooling me."

"I don't have to. I'm not Grace. Grace is dead. You're in denial."

"And you think I'm dumb." He said. "You're Grace. I'm gonna prove it."


"If you're not Grace then don't worry about it." Grayson said.

"I'm not one to let people test experiments on me."

"Ok...Jess." Grayson said walking out. "Watch your back."

"Or you can watch yours."

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