Chapter Sixteen

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Jess sat at the table with her legs crossed deep in thought. She was interrupted by a shawdow covering her reading light. She looked up and Jerome was standing over her.

"You're still here?" She asked Jerome.

"Rome has a game tonight."


"I have to stay and watch. I'm trying to build a bond with my son."

"Well shouldn't you be building a bond with him?" She asked.

Jerome sat across from her. "Look if we're going to co-parent. We should atleast get along."

"Um, we're not." Jess said. "I don't know where you got that from."

"I'm not some deadbeat nigga. I can't know I have a son and pretend I don't." Jerome said.

"Bye Jerome." Jess said closing her book. She stood up and Jerome followed her catching her arm.

"Ok ok. Look. I really wanna get along. For my son." He said. "You can go on not liking me, but let's be mutual for Rome's sake."

"Fine." Jess said. "Now bye."

"Alright, I'll call you." Jerome said laughing.

"Don't bother." She got in her car and drove home where D'Angelo was waiting inside.

"What do you want?" Jess asked as soon as she got in.

"You to stop acting crazy." He said walking up to her.

"You make me crazy. I love you D'Angelo, but you make it sooo hard for me to trust you."

"You knew from the getgo how it was, but you still stayed. What's different?"

"My son's involved."

"Lame excuse. He's always been here."

"But know he's directly involved and you're putting him in danger."

"You put him in danger. You should've burned those fucking papers. Or picked a better spot than stuffing shit in the matress. You keep trying to hold onto this let it go. It's not you anymore."

"Get the fuck out, or I'm leaving." I told him.

"Whatever. I'm out." He said picking up his keys. "You wishy washy as fuck."

"Fuck out of here." I said. Rome came downstairs and Jess shook her head.

"There's more?" He asked.


"More stuff about Grace." He said.


"Please." He begged. "I wanna see a picture."

Jess shook her head and told him to folow her. In her room, Jess pulled out an envelope. "Here. That's what Kelly had."

He opened it and took out the first picture. "Wow." He looked up at Jess then shook his head. "My whole perception of the world just changed."

Jess laughed and smiled at him. There was a knock on the door and Jess went to go get it.

She opened it and Kelly grabbed her pushing her in and closing the door. "What the fuck?"

"You weren't supposed to bring them niggas here." He said furious.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" She asked. "I didn't invite them. Now let me go."

"Who did it then? It wasn't your boyfriend."

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