Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"This is just great." Jerome said. "I lost Rome. Why did I even have kids?"

"Cause you're a fucking idiot." Grayson said.

"Nigga what was Diamond talking about y'all's "daughter"? You a parent now?"

"No she's crazy I don't have any kids she's just obsessed with me. She's been wanting some from me since I was like 17, but she was a grown woman. Ive never found her attractive. That shit's digusting."

"At least you know. But knocking her up is an accomplishment and you should be proud."

"No." He said. "It's not. Worry about your own fucking kids."

"You think I'm not worried? I'm freaking out. Are you not? This is your nephew. I mean you let them kill Grace are you gonna let them kill her son, too." Jerome asked. They both aimed there guns at each other and Grayson growled. "You think I don't know you?"

"Man, shutup! I know what's at steak, but Smiles and Diamond are on two different levels." He said. "I can't move on my own. She runs all my shit. We both know Rome didn't do it, but intil she knows that he not going nowhere."

"And that's bullshit."

"Just let Jess handle it. If Smiles is that big on keeping him then they'll move and we won't have to do a thing." He said lowering his gun.

"I guess you're right." He said lowering his too and putting it away. "I guess I should go check on Cam."

"Alright I'll hit you up later if I get any word from Diamond." Grayson said. "Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to him."

"Yeah." Jerome went home and Cam ran up with hugging him with tears. He held her and she stepped back.

"I was so scared. They took Rome."

"I know. Don't worry. His mom is gonna take care of it." He said. "It's not like anything bad will happen to him. Grayson is Diamond's play toy, she wouldn't do anything to hurt him like kill or harm his only nephew."

"Ok."  She said. Saint walked in loud on the phone and hung up laughing.

"Where's little Rome?"

"Where have you been?" Jerome asked walking over to him.

"I, uh, been out."

"Well Rome's not here at the moment." Jerome said.

"Ok." Saint's girlfriend, Laith, walked in closing the door behind her.

"And you brought her?" Jerome said. "Great."

"Well, I only stopped by because I'm out of clothes and I needed to give you something." He said reaching in his pocket. "Some tall lady gave this to me and told me that it's for you."

Jerome took it and examined the envelope. He opened it and looked at it. "What the fuck is this?" He asked. "It's literally a bunch of shit." He said angrily. "Did she say anything else?"

"No." He told him.

"Great" Jerome said ripping the paper up.

"What was it about?"

"Diamond took Rome thinking that he was the one that's been hitting out spots."

"That's impossible. He's not even capable of such a thing." Saint said.

"Yeah, and sad to say, but I hope another spot gets robbed so she can see he's not the bad guy." Jerome said. "I hope he's ok."

"Diamond has a soft spot for the young cute one's. Rome's fine." Saint said waving it off.

"Look why are you home?" Jerome asked. "If you're gonna be nonchalant then go. Because Cam's freaking out, and I'm freaking out my son was kidnapped."

"Oh really?" Saint said gasping sarcastically. "Sounds similar to another situation I'm familiar with."


"Well karma is a bitch." Saint said. "You caused my family so much pain."

"First of all, I had no part in that at all. Second, Grayson doesn't care  for Rome. Third, If it bother's you that much why don't you ask Jess to help you get home?" Jerome asked. "There must be something holding you back."

"Come on Laith let's go." Saint said walking out. "I'll be taking that into consideration."

He left and Jerome sat down sighing. Jerome's phone started ringing and it was an unknown number calling.


"Yeah, so about the disappearance of my son-"

"It was not my fault I blame it completely on Grayson and whoever is robbing our spots." Jerome said.

"Look I'm not mad." She said. "Know Rome will be safe. Y'all can stop worrying. Give it three days."

She hung up and Jerome looked at the number realizing it was blocked. He thought about it and realized that there was a variation in her voice. He called Jess' number and she answered quickly.

"Yes did you hear anything about Rome?" She asked.

"Didnt we just talk about this. You said you had it. I just had a question."

"What?" Jess asked cluelessly. "I haven't talked to you since earlier.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in New York." She lied. "I haven't left. Why?"

"No reason." He said. "Well bye."

She hung up and looked over at Kelly.


"I think I just set us back in the plan." She said biting her lip.

"We'll just have to see how it plays out." He said. "Nothing's perfect."

"Yeah." She said. He moved in closer and she stopped him.

"What, we got like an hour to spare with nothing to do." Jess looked back at Rome who was staring at the two and Kelly sighed. "Right."

"Now get away from me creep." He backed up and sat down.

"I am not a creep."

"We got a location for Red." Jess said looking at her phone. "It looks like they're not located too far from here."

"Ugh, I hate moving." Kelly said laying back and kicking his feet up on the dashboard. He pulled a magazine of his back pocket and started emptying it.

"What are you doing?" Jess asked gripping the steering wheel.

"I don't know I'm bored. Can you just start the car?!"

"You're so impossible. Why'd he even let you come?"

"Why do you think? I wanna shoot Jerome Houston in his shit." He said taking his gun off safety.

"Stop playing. You're not shooting anyone." Jess said sternly.

He shrugged and rolled his eyes. "I'll do what I want."

"No you won't. Your daddy doesn't allow flaws." He smacked and rolled his eyes.

"Get moving." She smirked starting the car and pulling out the parking lot.

"You know, I am enjoying getting to spend some time with you guys. Planning mass murder, shooting niggas up, going on a corvert op mission. Not many people get this experience." Kelly said.

"Rome please be a dear and help momma out by putting a bullet through Kelly's head." Jess said.

"Oh come on. You haven't been having fun?"

Jess looked at him and sighed shaking her head. "You're making this so difficult."

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