Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jerome went over to Grayson's house and waited on Grayson to come down.

"Grayson hurry up I got shit to do. Cam got a dentist appointment and I gotta drive her."

Gray came down and Jerome shrugged. "Who do you think it was?"

"I think it was Hernandez." Grayson said. Jerome rolled his eyes.

"That senile old man?"

"No his daughter run's the business now and she must've heard that we were getting together and hired a goon." He explained.

"So you think that she's on some totally spies type shit and has sexy women in bodysuits crawling through airducts?"

"Yeah." He said shrugging.

"No, actually that would be pretty hot." Jerome said. "But we can't just go storm the place. We supposed to be cool."

"Killing R wasn't cool."

"They didn't kill R. Let's just have a meeting with them. I doubt they've even heard about it. They're always the last to know."

Grayson called Natalina and put the phone to his ear. "Hey you call Jess and tell her to get her CSI ass over here. Hey Nat can we talk?"

Jerome got up and called Jess. It went straight to voicemail and he kept trying and failing. He called Rome and he answered right away.

"Hey dad." He said making Jerome smile.

"Hey. Where's your mom?"

He paused. "She's sleep."

"Ok, can you tell her to call me when she wakes up?"

"Yeah." He said.

"Alright. Love you." Jerome said.

"Love you, too. Bye." Rome said hanging up. Jerome sighed in relief and started dialing his phone again.

"Hello?" Janet asked. "What do you want?"

"Damn are you spicy ma?" Jerome asked in a sexy tone. "I can fix that."

"What are you calling me for?"

"I'm calling you because Grayson and I need you to do some digging and look for whoever murdered his little boyfriend and our professional friend is busy atm."

"Yeah ok I'll be right over, but no freebies."

"You have my word." Jerome promised hanging up the phone.

"What you got?"

"Janet's coming over and Rome will tell Jess to call me whenever she wakes up."

"I didn't ask for Janet. Go get Jess. Now." Jerome smacked back got up and grabbed his phone.

"I'll be back." Jerome said leaving. He drove to Jess's condo and her car wasn't even outside. He knocked on the door and Rome answered it with a shocked look.

"Jerome. What are to doing here?" He asked.

"Where's your mom? I thought you said she was sleep."

"Yeah well I never said she was here either."

"Where's Jess? Her assistance is needed." Rome shook his head.

"I told you she was sleep." Rome continued to lie.

"Son. For your own good I'm gonna tell you right now you're a horrible lier."

"Ok, I don't know anything she never tells me anything." He said crossing his arms.

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