Chapter Two

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"Ma you know where my red pants are?" Rome asked. She shook her head.

"Did you put them out to be washed?"

"Yeah like a month ago!" He exclaimed.

"Well go check the laundry room." Rome smacked and walked downstairs. "I don't care."

"Mommy I have something to tell you." Monique said
a smile and sitting across from her.

"I swear to God if you're pregnant I'm going to beat your ass." Jess told her sternly.

Monique scoffed. "I am not pregnant." She said. "Why would I be happy about that?"

"Ok speak." Jess told her picking up her phone.

"Ok so you know that boy I been talking to, Zuke, right?" Jess nodded.

"You're not having sex are you?" She shook her head. Jess eyed her.

"Mom I promise. I'm honestly scared to even lose my virginity. It's supposed to hurt like h-e-l-l." Monique said shivering.

"You got one thing right." Jess said laughing and sitting up.

"Momma they not out there." Rome whined.

"What you need them so bad for?" She asked.

"I'm going to
Matthew's party tonight remember?" Rome reminded.

"And who told her you could go to Matthew's party?"

"Dad." He said. "Remember I asked you and you said ask my dad. He said sure."

"Ok we did talk about that." Jess said. Monique jumped up.

"Can I go?" She asked.

"Why you wanna go?" Rome asked.

"No, we didn't discuss that." Jess said. "Now how you getting there?"

"Matthew's gonna come pick me up." Rome said.

"Mom Matthew's 18. I think I should go to watch Rome." Monique said. "Plus he's my cousin also."

"Ok. If Matthew has enough room and says it's ok you can go." Jessica told her making Rome roll his eyes. "So you gonna go find another pair of pants?"

Rome stomped off and Jessica laughed. She unlocked her phone and went to Snapchat. "My highlight is on point baby."

"Now what are you doing?" D'Angelo asked coming up behind her and kissing her cheek.

"Taking pictures, duh." She said smiling. "Keep up."

"Hey dad." Rome said jogging downstairs. "Have you by any chance seen my red pants?"

"I haven't been doing laundry ask your mom." He said walking into the kitchen.

"I can't help you." Jess sang settling on the perfect picture. "Ya momma is too sexy."

"Ignore that last comment, but there's your answer." D'Angelo yelled from his place in the house.

"What nigga?" Jess asked standing up.

"You're beautiful." D'Angelo cheered. "I'm so happy you are in my life."

"I'm not. I'd rather be in a coma." Jessica scoffed acting like she was choking.

Rome laughed making his dad glare at him. "I'll change my mind." Rome stopped smiling and backed away.

"He won't do shit." Jess said laughing.

"Maybe I won't, maybe I will." D'Angelo mocked.

"You won't do nothing." Jess said walking up and grabbing him by his tie.

"Please!" He said. "I'll dick you down right now." He whispered so only she would here.

"No you won't." Jess teased lowly. They smirked at each other before D'Angelo leaned in and started kissing her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him laughing. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He said with a big white smile.

"Good cause I was gonna beat your ass." Jess joked kissing his face over and over.

"Ok guys chill." Monique said coming downstairs. They laughed and Jess took a step back.

"Where you going?" D'Angelo asked.

"Matthew's party." She said flipping her hair. "Mom and I already talked about it."

"We did." I told D'Angelo.

"But we had our father/daughter outing tonight." D'Angelo said. Monique slumped over and D'Angelo sighed. "I guess it's fine."

Monique smiled slyly and continued downstairs. Jess turned back to D'Angelo.

"Why you not taking her out?" She asked. "You leaving for a month. She should wanna go."

D'Angelo shook his head. "She getting too old for it I guess. If she doesn't wanna go I can't make her."

Jess sighed in frustration and D'Angelo rubbed her shoulders. "It's ok baby. That just means I get to spend the night with you."

"Mhm." Jess growled. "I'm going to take a shower."

D'Angelo followed her up the stairs and into their room. "Look I understand, but I can handle my daughter. Just like you can your son."

"She just needs her ass beat one time. Let me hit her." Jess said sternly.

"Jess, no I told you about how I like my children raised. You told me how you like your children raised and we compromised. Now you can't hit Monique. Rome, sure beat his ass. I don't want you to but whatever." D'Angelo said.

"D'Angelo listen to me well." She said. "If Monique disrespects me one more time I'm going to beat her with your belt."

He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Jess-." She put her hand up and glared at him. He closed his mouth and put his head down. "Fine."

"Mhm. Now make sure you watch them get in that car."  She said. "I'll try to get out before he gets here."

"You got it miss CSI." She shook her head. "Miss FBI?"

"Stop with the names." Jess said closing the door.

"Can I call you Mrs?" Jess bust out laughing then got serious.

"No." She said. "I'm not here to get married."

D'Angelo sighed. "Worth a try. You know I fell for you." He went downstairs and Rome walked up behind him.

"So mom's birthday is coming up," he said shrugging and reaching in his back pocket. "Do you think she'll like this?"

He brought out a diamond necklace and D'Angelo leaned in closer. "Rome where did you get the money to pay for that?"

"I asked one of my boys for it and they got it for me." He said shrugging. D'Angelo mugged him. "You know Wallie. He got a huge crush on mom, so all I had to do was ask him and give go half the credit. I'm not selling drugs or stealing. I promise. I mean my mom's a cop."

"Mhm." He said nodding. "I believe you, she'll like it." He licked his lips and smiled. "You should hide it in her drawer tomorrow when she leaves. It'll be the best surprise. After mine."

Rome smiled. "We'll see about that." He said going to his room.

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