Chapter Thirty

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Two weeks later

"Please tell me Rome's coming back." Jerome asked Grayson when he walked out of Diamond's warehouse.

"Nah. The ambushes stopped since he been in her custody." He said. "She wants him to work for her in exchange for his life."

"That's not right. He's a kid and I don't tell him anything about us."

"Think about it. He's been with Smiles for the past 15 years. For all we know, he might be trained for this."

"I don't believe it. Did you see him?"

"No. Didn't ask. I trust he's ok. But that doesn't mean I want him in there with her for any longer. She's sick and for all we know she could be touching him."

"Ups to my son."

"Jerome that's rape." Grayson told him. Jerome looked confused. "Nevermind. What have you heard from Jess?"

"Nothing. I've been calling and calling and texting and doing everything, but nothing gets through." He said. "I hope she hasn't abandoned him."

"Naw. She's being paid to keep him safe, she won't let him just kick dirt." He said. "I just wanna spectate this whole thing. After the smoke is cleared if Diamond is gone you're looking at a new kingpin.

"You are a kingpin."

"Well I'll be more powerful." He said. "And if Diamond wins then Smiles will have a huge setback and if we're there we might be able to kidnap Rome and use him against him."

"That's a stupid plan I'm not using my son." Jerome said. "Come up with a plan B."

"Whatever. I don't have one." He said.

"What if we kill Diamond ourselves?" Grayson asked.


"I don't know I was hoping you'd come up with something." Grayson said. "Let's go back inside. I need a blunt and it's not out here."

"Alright." Jerome said standing up and following him inside.

"Everything's ready and all preparations are in order." Ivanka said. "Will and I will be in position soon."

"Great." Kelly said. "Maybe after this-hello? Hello?"

"She hung up." Jess said. "Let it go."

"Don't sound jealous. There's always room for you in my bed." Kelly said picking up his lips. Jess pulled her M16 out and aimed it him furrowing her eyebrows.

"What was that?" He put his hands up.

"Until next time." He whispered. Jess put the rifle back in her bag along with her mask and baby wipes.

"I'm ready." Rome said coming downstairs in black and with a bookbag.

"Good let's go." She said. They got in the black Hummer and headed towards the rendezvous point. There they met with four other Hummers rolling five deep in each.

"Agent the snipers are in position." A masked man said. They were all masked and dressed in black alike.

"Great. Now to business." Kelly said seriously. "We have a goal and we have a target. Infiltrate the warehouse. Kill the Chamberlin girl. Take out anyone in your way not specified on the list previously simply knock them unconscious. If things happen to go South everybody knows the excape route and quickest way back safely. Remember to A, not die, and B, no surrendering. If you are backed into a tight corner suicide is acceptable. Other than that I should have 20 guys and ladies return. Remember also, you're hard to replace because you're trainer is dead and there's no more of you." He looked at two in particular. "Especially you two. Dad'll kill me if you die."

"Yes sir." They all said together. Jess walked with a smile. She liked this Kelly. The one who knew when it was time to get down to business and lead a group.

"Ready pattycakes?" He asked her breaking her thin line of attraction.

"Yeah." She said pushing off the car and getting in the driver's seat. "Great speech."

"I just don't want my dad to kill me. I hate having to take the blame for all the mistakes other people do." He said moping and kicking his feet on the dashboard.  "Wake me when we're there."

"Yeah, yeah." She said rolling her eyes. "Pathetic."

"Just wake me up with time to prepare mentally."

"How about not going to sleep! You're not that good." He didn't respond and a minute later he was snoring. Jess shook her head and sighed. "He's so pathetic."

"So we have to wait all the way until it's dark?" Rome complained. "Why can't we do it now?"

"Well cutting the power and night vision doesn't work very well during the day." Jess explained.

"We don't need all that fancy stuff." He said. "We just need some of that had you got Grayson with."

"We're going about as planned." Jess said.

"This is boring. I didn't even get to do all of the cool things like spy and assassinate anyone like you." He complained.

"Boy shut up." She said. "You're too wild for that. You tried to take the siliencer off your gun just an hour ago."

"I'm sooooorryy." He said.

Kelly's phone started ringing and she reached over to answer it. "Hello?"

"Jerome and Grayson are at the facility. Get Rome to create a little diversion." Smiles said. "And wake Kelly up."

"Yes sir." She did as told and Kelly took the phone.

"So does that mean what I think it means?" Rome asked leaning over the front seat.

"Yep." Jess said. They drove for another ten minutes before dropping Rome off. He adjusted his change of clothes on him and looked around.

"We'll be down this alley." Jess said.

"How'd you even know she was here?"

"Her boyfriend works for Trayvon." Jess said winking.

"Wow." Rome said walking with his hands in his pocket. Jess drove off and Kelly put his phone down.

"Are you awake now?" Jess asked.


"Great. Watch my baby." Jess said proudly.

Rome walked across the grass at an angle he knew he'd been seen at the semi empty park. He checked over his shoulder and smiled.

"Rome!" He heard his name called and looked over his shoulder seeing his target approach him. He started running towards the alley that Jess told him and they followed. Her boyfriend looked around before walking away and leaving the scene.

"Rome." She stopped at the alley looking around. She held her clutch and walked deeper in. "Rome! Where have you been? We've been so worried about you." She said running up to him. He held his gun at her and she froze.

"I'm sorry. You've been a great sister. You really have and I don't wanna harm my blood, but your dad's in the way." Rome said.

"Rome-" the siliencer went off twice and she fell to the ground. He shook his head and walked away. He really didn't wanna kill Camiella, but with the leash Jess is on. It's best to just do what Smiles says.

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