Chapter Eighteen

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"Your uncle does not like me." Jess said. "He came up to me earlier and accused me of being Grace."

Rome chuckled and took a bite of his burger. "Why?"

"Because he's delusional and crazy." She said. "He can't let go if the fact his sister is dead and the first female to bring him his nephew...he accuses of being her."

"But she's dead."

Jess nodded. "Dead. And that's all they need to know." She said. "If he asks you about it play dumb and try to go along. I wanna know what he knows."

"So are you and D'Angelo done?" Rome asked stirring one of his fries in his ketchup.

"Why D'Angelo?"

"Just don't know if I wanna call him my dad anymore." Rome said shrugging. "I'm just really confused."

"And that's ok. This is a lot. With it being so sudden and the different choices; I'm here for you. Know that." Jess said.

"I know ma." He said with a warning smiling.

"So what did you guys do all day? You seem like you enjoyed yourself."

"We just hung out." He said smiling. "He...kept me inside the whole time and we talked about"

"That's great." Jess said taking her plate to the sink.

"So, I have a meeting to get to. You'll be alright here by yourself, right?"

"Yeah mom. I'm not nine." Jess laughed and shook her head grabbing her phone and keys.

"Bye baby." She said kissing his head.

Rome questioned what she was going to do exactly, but let it go. He probably didn't even want to know.

He sat down and facetimed Riley. She answered with the camera in her face and a smile.

"How's the South?" She asked sipping a soft drink.

"Hot." He said.

"Are you calling me cause you miss me?" Rome rolled his eyes and smiled. "You are!"

"Maybe." He said. "My mom just left and I'm here alone."

"I see. So you need any fine girls?"

"A few." He lied.

"You're lying." She said.

"Please, you think I dad just gonna let me come out here and not introduce me to a few young thangs." I said. "I even got some numbers." I smiled and laughed. "Imma be lit. Maybe even try some drugs."

"Rome you're such an ass hole." Riley said hanging up.

"What the fuck?" Rome asked calling back. She declined and he busy out laughing and text her. "Are you mad cause I said I'm getting bitches? I was just playing. The only girl I've met is my stepmom and she's stupid as a bag of rocks."

He facetimed Chez and he answered almost right away. "Wass good?"

"Riley is pissed on some petty shit." I said. "She  asked if I was getting bitches and I lied and started bragging and she hung up on me after calling me an ass hole."

"Dude, she likes you. Just ask her out. She was obviously jealous."

"For no reason." I said. "Besides Dre asked her out and I'm not one to intervene on others relationships. I'll wait till he breaks her heart cause he's a player, and I'll be there to pick her up."

"And as soon she's better you'll be right back in the friend zone." He joked laughing.

"I won't. I'll tell if they don't work out."

"And if they do?"

"Then I missed out and I have to live with it." Rome explained. "Besides we're 15, we have our whole lives ahead of us. They're bound to break up."

"That's a way to look at it." Chez said eating some chips. "Guess how I got up and they texted back?"




"She's short, red hair, dark skin, a little older."

"Niyanna?" He nodded.

"Bro that's a junior."

"I dont care. You know I love me some older women." He said making a stupid face.

"She is hot. She tried to hit a ball player up, but she wasn't slick." Rome said.

"Oh really? So if I smash you think she gonna try and go for wifey status?"

"Honestly I never stayed around to find out. At the time Emily and I were together."

"Emily was a cool little white girl." Chez said. "It's a shame y'all broke up."

"And to think, I did it all because I thought I was ready to ask Riley out."

"Hit her up!"

"Not while I'm here. Maybe when I get back." There was a knock I the door and Rome picked his phone up. "What the fuck?" He whispered. Walking towards the door. He looked through the peephole and it was just Grayson. "It's just my uncle." Re said opening the door. "Um, hello?"

"Where's Jess?" He asked coming in. Rome turned the camera around and began following Grayson.

"She at a meeting." He said. Chez started laughing and then just went crazy. Rome laughed the camera around and shushed him.

"Who the fuck is that?" Grayson asked taking Rome's phone. "One of ya little friends?"

Chez gasped and hung up. "Give that back." Rome said snatching it back. "Why are you here?"

"To talk to Jess. Do you know where she went?"

"To a meeting I told to that."

"Where tho?"

"I don't know she doesn't tell me this stuff." I said. "You can leave now."

"Leave my dead sisters son, naw." He sat down. "I'll wait."

"I don't know. My mom will be pretty pissed."

"I'm not scared of your mom."

"You should be."

"It's the other way around." Grayson said. "She may be quick on her feet, but she's not quicker than a bullet."

"Did you just threaten to kill my mom?"

"What would happen if I did?"

"Bad things." Rome said smiling. "You'd regret it. Big time." Rome said. Grayson stood up and towered over him.

"Why would I regret it?" Grayson asked. Rome took a few steps back and put his hands up.

"Ok, ok. You don't have to stand up." Rome said.

"Oh come on newphew." Grayson said grabbing his shoulder. "He honest with your blood relation. Is Jess Grace?"

Rome looked at him truely confused. "What? What makes to think that?"

"The timing's just too perect." He leaned him. "Tell me what you know."

"Nothing!" Rome said. "But think about it, she has no pregnacy pictures with me. Yet she has pictures with Monique. She's lighter than Grace and skinnier. Grace wore glasses and Jess has 20/20. They can't be the same."

"Childhood photos?"

"Jess is an orphan." They want back and forth trying to settle who Jess was until she came home.

"Rome who's outside?" She asked looking at Grayson. "Shit."

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