Chapter Nineteen

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"Grayson! So nice to see you." Jess said smiling and heading towards the stairs.

"Final test. If I hit on her and she acts awkward she's Grace. If she doesn't she's Jess." Grayson said. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all." Rome said with a smile. Jess came back and eyed Grayson.

"Why are you here? I could really call the cops."

Grayson walked up and shrugged. "I wanted to see you. You weren't here so I decided to stay with my nephew."

"Well I'm here now. What do you want?"

"I forgot." He said. "Why don't we go out sometime?" He asked awkwardly.

"Go out?" Jess asked. "Grayson you're gay."

He looked away completely forgetting. "Right..."

"I'm going to change." Jess said laughing and walking away. "I know you're only doing this to see my reaction."

"Nice example." Rome joked. "Now I know how not to pick up girls."

"I was nervous and uncomfortable." Grayson said. No." "Have you ever tried hitting on a girl you thought was your dead sister?"

"No, and hopefully I'll never have to." He said. "I know for a fact that's not Grace. Kelly really killed her. He brags about it to Jess."

"What does he say?" Grayson asked.

"He brings up you a lot." Rome said with a slick smile.

"Ok and?"

Rome held his hand out. "I ain't snitching for free, and this tea ain't the cheap kind." Grayson growled and slapped two $100s in his hand.


"Ok so I overheard my mom and him in the living room. Kelly was talking about how it's all about revenge and revenge this revenge that." He said leaving the important parts out like he was told. "He said when he gets down here next week it's gonna be hell." Rome lied. Kelly had no intention of even coming in contact with Grayson. He just wanted him to think that.

"Oh really?" Grayson asked standing up. "Thanks nephew." He said walking towards the door. "If you're lying I'll kill your mom."

Rome's mouth dropped and Grayson left. "Ignore him. He's buffing." Jess said coming down in all black with a matching bookbag. "I'm going on spy duty. I'll be back in the morning."

"Why can't I come?"

"Because you're not skilled enough. Remember I tried to get you to take those classes, but you chose basketball. Now you gotta live with it."

"I wanna do cool things." Rome complained.

"You do cool things on the court." She said. "Now I have to leave. Be good and don't get in any trouble."

"Bye ma." He said picking up his phone.

"Bye baby." She said laughing and walking out.

"I wanna be a spy." Rome complained. "My mom's cool as fuck."

Jess got in the car with Smiles's connect and he was smiling at her. "What Phresh?"

"Nothing." He said looking forward with a smile and pulling off.

"So you sure nobodies gonna get suspicious?"

"Yeah." He assured me. "You know you could've avoided all of this."

"I'm not here to get lectured by you." She said.

"I'm not." He said. "You look fine as hell. I can say that now."

"Still my favorite dreadhead." She said. "But I'm in New York and you're still here undercover. Fucking bitches and what not."

"They come with the job." He said.

"So does dick, but you don't see me hopping around on all of them."

"Get focused. We're almost here." He said getting serious. Hide in the back and I'll text you when it's clear to get in."

"Alright." Jess said prepping herself. She put on her gloves and strapped herself up. Phresh parked and we got out. She went to her post and waited for his signal. This nigga is really amazing. He works for Smile's, but also works under cover for Grayson, and for Grayson he works undercover for this third party connect. Jess didn't know who he was, but she was about to find out. She got the go ahead and snuck over to the ducts. She got the frame off and pulled herself up crawling in and replacing it.

"I'm in." I said.

"Alright I'm sending the you the blueprint." Phresh said. She checked her phone opening a picture with detailed intruction on how to get where she's going. She studied them before putting her phone in the bag and scooting quietly towards her destination. She stopped a few times when she heard footsteps under her and when somebody would question if she was near. She finally got to the guys office and looked down through the cent holes.

"Shit!" She whispered backing up. It was only two guys in there. Not six. And those guys were Grayson and Ronnie. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. They were kissing. Actually kissing and about to strip. She had to act fast; Jess got her phone out and called Smiles.


"Grayson's in there."

"Grayson's in there! What?"

"What now?"

"Proceed as planned and hurry."

"I can't kill him."

"Don't fucking kill him!" He yelled. "Wound him though."

Jess sighed. "Ok." She looked again and they were unstrapped and shirtless. She tied her her mask on and dropped a knockout gas pill through the vent. It got the ground with a pop and smoke went everywhere. Jess knocked the vent out the roof and dropped down in the center of the smoke. She ran over and grabbed Ronnie around the neck covering his mouth and shooting in the temple with a silenced pistol. She held it out at Grayson who was turning in circles with his pistol drawn. She hesitated before he shot at her, but missed. She shot him and both of his arms making his drop the gun. She cringed and jumped back up into the vent crawling away. She made it back to Phresh's car where he was already waiting. He pulled off and they drove in silence.

"What's wrong? How'd it go?"

"I did it. But it didn't go as planned." She said taking the mask off.


"Instead of taking six men out with a poison smoke. I had to gas and drop down taking out two guys. Ronnie and Grayson."

"They weren't-" Jess nodded.

"They were about to be fucking." She finished.

"Well," he said. "We could be fucking?"

Jess scoffed and looked over at him. "Nice try."

"That's not a no."

"It's a hell no."

"No feelings. Let me hit it once." He said.

"No." I said. "Drive." She looked at her watch and it was almost 12 I the morning. "He's expecting us right?"

"Yeah." Phresh said. "So how's the boy doing?"

"Rome?" He nodded. "He's fine."

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." She lied. "I'm ready to get this over and get some sleep."

"Same. I got this new king size-"

"Zeno I'll rip your balls off and shove them up your dick."

"My government, oh my God you're pissed." He said. "Sorry, I was joking."

"It's not you. Let's just get to Trayvon's so I can get home."

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