Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Kelly, you're not listening to me." Jess said into her phone. "You can't come down here."

"Um, I can go where ever the fuck I want. I'll stay with Trayvon." He laughed. "They won't even recognize me. I'm a different person. I'm like the Wayne brothers in White Chicks expect I'm still a man."

"So you're gonna come down here as a white boy?"

"No. I'm not. I'm just-nevermind. I'm coming just know that."

"They'll probably raid Treyvon's spots."

"If they are Phresh will tell us."

"Yeah, but that don't mean shit. How you know they don't know Phresh undercover and give him some false information?" Jess asked. "You can't just go throwing yourself around and shit."

"Jess don't try and be on no bullshit. You not my fucking momma."

"Yeah, cause ya mom's dead, and the guy who killed her is looking to kill you next." He hung up and Jess shrugged. "He needed to hear it."

Jess rolled her eyes and sat down. "I wish my son was here."

Jerome woke up and stretched looking over at the clock. "Damn one already?"

"What?" Deira asked waking up as well.

"Get up. I'm hungry and I want you to make me something."

"Mhm. Ok." She said getting up.

Jerome got up and did his morning routine before going to see how Rome was adjusting. He stopped by his room but he wasn't in there so he checked downstairs and he wasn't there either. He looked outside and he was playing basketball across the street with some other kids.

Jerome watched Rome get the ball dribble around two defenders take a third one out and shoot a three. His mouth dropped and he was surprised. "Damn that boy good."

"Hey dad, can I go over to Yoshi's house?" Cam asked.

"Um, sure. Just get back before it gets dark and don't get in any trouble."

"Ok." She said smiling and leaving. Jerome continued to watch from the window when Chris pulled up. He walked outside and dapped him up.

"Wassup man?"

"Nothing I just dropped by because I heard you're son's over and I haven't met him."

"He playing ball right now." Jerome said pointing. "He showing they asses what it do."

"He a ball player?" Jerome nodded.

"A good one, too. Scary good to only be a sophomore."

"Well call him over."

"Aye Rome!" Jerome called getting his attention. Rome called a time out and ran over wiping his forehead.

"What?" He asked breathing hard.

"This Chris. He one of my homeboys. He knew Grace, too."

"Wassup man." Chris said dapping Rome up. "Damn. I can't believe how small you are. How you got two tall parents and end up a shrimp?"

Jerome punched Chris and Chris shrugged. "He'll get taller."

"I'll wait on it." He said throwing his hands up.

"Can I go back now? I'm giving them an ass whooping."

"I guess. You not tired?"

"No, I've trained harder and these dudes are like training dummies set on easy." He said waving Jerome off and walking away.

"Well don't pass out because Jess will kill me."

"Of course." He said not taking him seriously.

"Well he's got your personality." Chris pointed out.

"What personality nigga?" Jerome asked. "That nigga don't act like me."

"In a way he does." Chris said. "Alright look man I gotta get going, but uh. Make sure lil dude don't try to hard to impress you and be something he's not."

"As always." Jerome said. They did their handshake and Chris left. Jerome watched Rome score another layup and shook his head.

Rome was the complete opposite of his father. He wouldn't go out of his way to try and impress him, would he? Jerome shook it off and went inside rubbing his hands together. He walked in the kitchen and there wasn't a damn thing done. Just some pots on the stove that weren't even hot.

"Deira!" Jerome yelled. She came downstairs in her robe and frowned.

"What Jerome!?"

"I thought you were cooking?"

"I don't know how to cook!" Jerome sighed rolling his eyes and growled.

"Well I'm going to Burger King. You stay here and find out how to cook." He said walking away. "And don't burn my fucking house down!" He grabbed his keys and made his way outside.

He drove to the east food joint and walked in. He was almost immediately approached by an old fuck who just wanted some dick.

"Hey Jerome!" Helen said smiling and twirling her blonde hair around her finger.

Jerome scoffed and looked at her funny. "I didn't come to see yo ass. I just want food."

"Oh," she said watching him walk away. "Well I'm not doing anything tonight, maybe you could come over of you're free. Wait are you free?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "But I'm not coming anywhere near you. Look bitch just let me get my food and be gone before I spray you or some shit.

"Who the bitch I'll kill her." She growled.

"What?" Jerome asked confused.

A tear dropped down her cheek. "I just want you to be mine again. I miss you."

Jerome smacked. "Bitch I was never yours." She reached out and Jerome snatched back. "Man I'll just go somewhere else." He said hurrying out and driving down the street to Wendy's. He ordered three four for four's and took them home. Rome wasn't outside anymore so he walked in and he was showered and sitting infront of the TV.

"Hey I bought you some food if you want it." Jerome said.

"Really? Thanks!" Rome said getting up. He walked over and immediately turned his nose up. "I can't eat fast food." He said sadly.

"And why not?"

"I have to diet to stay in shape since I'm not going to any camps this summer." He explained. "I don't wanna fall behind."

"Really? You're 15! Talking about a diet. You can't even sneak in one four for four?" He shook his head.

"It does look and smell good, but it's not heathly in the slightest." Rome said walking back into the living room. "It's the thought that counts so, thanks for buying it."

"More for me then."

"Yay!" Deira cheered reaching for a bag.

"Nah nah nah. Go cook eggs without burning them and you can eat. If that's too hard suck it up and watch some YouTube videos."

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