Chapter Three

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Rome waited for the day of his mother's birthday to sneak into her room and place the necklace. He started going through her drawers to find the perfect spot. Meanwhile Jess was having her own troubles at work.

"What happened here?" She asked walking up to her partner.

"Triple homicide." He sighed. "Elly Jones, Mark Palmer, Rob Bell."

"Mmm." She bit her lip and looked around. "Any clue who did it?"

"Well they did just let a few people go."

"That's where we'll start." Jess told him. "In the mean time I need to get back to the presinct."

"I'll see you there."

"Oh yeah tell Simeon I need those reports from the Mary Allen case." He nodded and she got in her car.

"Happy birthday detective." I turned around and smiled at my co-worker Eddy, he's had the biggest crush on me since he started working here.

"Thank you Eddy." I said nodding in his direction.

"So what are you doing today?"

"If you'll excuse me I have quite a bit to do." I said shutting him down.

"You'll crack one day Jessica." He said smiling. "You can't keep dodging me at every turn."

"I can if I'm not moving." She said sitting down.

"Oh come on." He said. "You know you can't stay still for too long."

"Look I need to get this done so I can go home." Jess said laughing.

"Alright. Enjoy the rest of your day." He said walking away.

"He bothering you again?" Rochelle asked. I shook my head. "Good."

"He's cute." Jess said. "Not in a datable way or anything. I mean his effort."

"Look what you doing today?" She asked.

"I'm trying to get this work done so my baby can take me out for lunch." She said.

"Awe D'Angelo got off for you?"

"No I mean Rome." She said. "But we're all going out for dinner."

"Mama's boy." She said and I punched her.

"Don't talk about my baby." Jess said. "He's the farthest thing from a mama's boy. He favors D'Angelo."

"But D'Angelo favors Monique." I giggled and nodded.

"Pretty much." Jess said. "It works out though. I get a lot of alone time."

"Well imma let you finish up." She said walking away. Jess waved her off and finished typing her report.

"Rome I'm home!" Jess yelled. She didn't get an answer so she went upstairs to try and find him. She knocked on his door before slowly opening it. "Hello?"

"Uh hey ma, when you get here?" He asked laying back in his bed.

"I just got home." She said. "I'm gonna get ready and then we can go, ok?" He nodded and she closed the door back.

She went to her room and took her hair down. She opened the drawer with, Rome's present in it and picked up the note.

"Happy birthday mom, love Rome." She repeated picking up the box and opening it. She jumped and covered her mouth. "Oh my gosh. Is this forreal."

She ran into his room and hugged him. He smiled weakly and looked away. "Thank you baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said. "I'm fine. You like it?"

She smiled and nodded. "I love it baby." She kissed his forehead standing up. "I will be wearing this when we go out for dinner."

"Ok, I'm glad you like it." He said sitting up. "Wallie helped buy it. He said happy birthday and he'll try to come by today."

"Ok. If he doesn't make sure to tell him thank you for me." He nodded and Jess smiled at him before walking out.

"Something's off." She told herself lowly about Rome. She shook it off and got ready for her lunch date.

"Rome baby let's go." She said breaking him from his trance. "I have to get back to work."

"Oh yeah." He said grabbing the keys. "Here you go."

Jess took the keys and frowned walking to the car with him. "Rome I'm your mother. I'm programmed to know when something's wrong with you. Go ahead and tell me."

"Nothing. I'm just anxious is all." He said shaking his head with a smile. "Let's go."

Jess bit her lip, but obeyed and started the car. Rome continued his weird behavior all throughout lunch and in the way home.

"Rome you know you can talk to me right?" He nodded. "Whatever it is. I'm here. I don't care. But if you're going to be a daddy don't tell me that. Or if you're gay, you need to tell me that."

"Mom, no no no. None of that. I promise I'm fine." He said. "It's-It's just my girlfriend."

"What she do?" He tensed up and froze.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He said getting out the car. Jess nodded slowly.

"Something's not right with that boy." She got out behind him but stayed outside. She took her phone out and called his girlfriend, Emily. Not mama's favorite but she makes Rome happy.

"Hello Ms. Sanders, everything ok?"

"Please call me Jess or Jessie." She said picking at her nails. "And no. Are you and Rome ok? In your relationship. He just told me your having problems."

"Last time I checked we're fine. We just texted each other not too long ago. Should I call him?"

"No. No, no. Not a word to Rome about this conversation. Delete it from your call log." Jess told her. "But please talk to him and get back to me. I need to know what's wrong with. He's acting weird."

"Ok will do." She cheered. "Bye."

Jess hung up and put her phone away going inside. "I gotta get back to the station."

"Ok. Be safe." Rome said laying down. I went to my room and quickly changed before returning downstairs.

"Bye baby." I told him kissing his head.

"Mhm." He said trying to evade my grasp. I laughed it off and left.

Jess did enjoy her birthday. She got to spend it with her family even though Rome was a lot more distant. She pulled D'Angelo and Monique off to the side, but they knew nothing. Rome was battling his own thing in his head and it had to do with his mother.

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