Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jess stayed under the radar for the next two days doing as Smiles told her. She had already killed Ronnie and raided one of Grayson warehouses killing about five of his men. Grayson was already on edge and Smiles didn't want to risk Jess getting exposed to quickly. She was finally able to return home only to be greeted by Grayson.

"Well hello there. Nice of you to finally return home. Did you forget about your son?"

"Grayson move." Jess said trying to go around him.

"Nope. Make me." Jess growled and grabbed his wrist pulling him forward and tripping him at the same time. She then pulled her leg from under him and your it to push him to the ground.

"Next time I won't be so nice." She said listening to Grayson groan and push himself up.

"Fuck you." Jess shrugged him off and went inside slamming the door.

"I can't believe people are scared of him. I'm five times stronger than him." Jess said to herself comparing her and Grayson.

"Mom!" Rome yelled running up and hugging her. "I was so worried when I didn't hear back from you. Where were you?" He asked almost on the brink of tears.

"I was doing a steak out." She said with a smile. "Now dry your eyes you know I'm just fine and if I ever got hurt you'd be in good hands."

"Don't say that." He said hugging her tighter. Grayson knocked on the door again and Jess wrapped her arms tighter around Rome.

"Trust me. I'll never leave you again. I promise." She said wiping his eye. She kissed his forehead and stood up. "Now let's see what you druggie uncle wants."

She opened the door and Grayson punched her in the face. Jess wasn't expecting it, but she countered it by grabbing his wrist and taking off some of the blow. She pulled him along with her as she flew back. She side kicked him in his torso and he flew into the wall.

"Uncle." He groaned.

"We are not on fighting terms. Even though I could use the practice."

"You started it."

"You tapped out way too quickly for my liking. I'd rather fight children."

"Help." He whined. "I'm serverly injured."

"I told you I wouldn't be holding back."



"Truce?" He asked holding out his hand. Jess smiled extending hard as well.

"Nope." She said grabbing his wrist and pulling him forward sending him crashing to the floor and sliding against it.

"You're way too strong. I take it back. I take it back."

"Take what back?"

"Saying that you were Grace. Grace never fought a day in her life. It's no way she could be this strong now."

"Fifteen years is a long time." Jess said rotating her shoulder. "I really should've stretched first. Not that that matters. She was very strong willed if that means anything. She never gave up. She believed that you would come save her up until the last second. All six months. It was only until after childbirth she stoped talking about you guys."


"Yep. She told me everything. And by everything, I mean everything." Jess said with a smile. "Ask me anything?"

"Ok, what did our mom die from?"

Jess gasped. "Your mom died?" Grayson said. "Kidding." She said with a smile and Grayson's mouth dropped. "She died from breast cancer. And so did her mom. And her mom's mom and her two sisters were surviors."

"She really told you all that?" Jess nodded. "Next."

"Where was her seventh birthday party?" Jess laughed.

"That's a silly question." She shrugged. "I don't know. Chuck E. Cheese?"

"Strange that's actually right." Grayson sat up. "How old were out parents when they had her?"

"23 and 22. Your mom died at 28." Jess said. "They were 17 and 16 when you were born. That's nothing but a math problem though. Ask me what you really wanna know?"

"Did Grace cheat on Jerome with Kelly?" Jess's eyes got wide and she was taken back.

"Tha-that's what you wanna know?" She asked. "

"Yeah. I need to know. She told me she wasn't and I wanna believe her, but she also dated Trayvon behind my back and she told me she didn't know the guy."

"No. She never mentioned anything about cheating." Jess sighed. "Matter of fact. Her love life is something she never talked about. I could tell you all about your childhood. Enough for a book. But when it comes down to it. I don't know anything other than dating Kelly led her to this mess and she had sex with Jerome. Honestly I know more about this Veneer guy then her first kiss."

"It's strange how she told you everything about Jerome but failed to mention that he was her first love."

"What?" Jess asked surprised and forrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, I'm admitting it. She was Jerome's first love as well." He  sighed. "Grace loved Jerome I could see it in her eyes, even after they broke up. He did that horrible thing to her and she still loved him. Can't blame Jerome for being such an idiot though. He can't help it."

"Wait so Jerome hurt Grace?"

"Yeah. I know he told you."

"I wanna hear how you saw it."

"I saw it as my bro hurting my sister and I almost killed him. Grace was all I had and he destroyed her. That kind of embarrassment sticks." He said. "But other than that. They were still crazy about each other. Jerome more than her. He really did a number on Grace in two ways. He opened her up, but shot her right back down. Then Grace turned Jerome into this perfect boy and one cheating rumor pushed him to all this chaos. And to think. They wouldn't have even met if I was at Frank's party that night."

"Hey." Jess said planting her arm in his shoulder. "Don't dwell on the past like that. You can't change it. It's done. You just have to live with me."

Jess stood up and looked over as Rome. "Now get off my floor before you bleed on it. Rome you'll get him a wet towel?"

"Yeah." He said slipping away.

"Honestly. Even though you remind me nothing of my sister. You're like her in a lot of ways. Just a colder version."

"Not a compliment." She said taking the towel from Rome and throwing it at Grayson hitting him in the face.

"I don't know what I did to deserve that but ok." He said with a thumbs up.

"Ok, finish testing me. I wanna see just how much I know." She said with a smile.

"Fine. If you think you're gonna win. I'm all for the challenge."

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