Chapter 3 - This.. Mustn't be him, right?

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‘’That was a really great one! You brought me to Central Park and Times Square! You know what, and there are a lot of amazing photos!’’ Olivia shrieks once we’ve entered our massive hotel room. What I can do is just nodding and sighing because I’m too tired. This whole day Olivia had forced me to take pictures of her whenever she found a good place to take a shoot. It’s so tiring, and I bet my camera’s memory is already full by now.

‘’Yes? Now what?’’ I ask, rather sarcastically. After all I find that Olivia is a really childish yet silly person, and I don’t like hanging out with her that much. As I’ve said before, she’s the only person in my workplace that I slightly know well, besides my boss.

‘’Oh come on Luna, can’t you be used to having fun, just once?’’ Now it’s time for Olivia to lose her patience, in which I don’t really care. ‘’I’m.. OK I’m sorry! Now let’s just eat our dinner OK? We’re heading to Brooklyn Bridge soon.’’

‘’What? Brooklyn Bridge? You crazy? We’ve been going to places all day and-‘’

‘’Come on Luna, I haven’t even finished my sentence. Of course we’re going there since 1D is going to be photoshooted there.’’

‘’Oh.’’ I say, giving her a really brief reply. I know that the landscape in Brooklyn Bridge is extremely magnificent, but at midnight? Okay, probably there will be extra moonlight from above, if God permits so.

After that, no conversation occurs. We both go to the bathroom and have a private shower, which to my luck there are two bathrooms so that we both can take a shower one at a time without being together in one room. It’s disgusting, although Olivia is also a girl I don’t like sharing shower with anyone. It’s going to happen like, never.

I dry my body with the towel and fit myself into a fine dark blue shirt. Luckily I brought a shirt before so I still can look professional. The black skinny jeans once again pair to the shirt, making me look like a flash of black. I wrap myself in my cardigan once again before fitting my feet to a pair of tosca Nike shoes, my favorite. I comb my hair neatly and wear my ID card, ready to leave.

We both finish everything and we head to the restaurant to grab some dinner. We only have a piece of hamburger and a lot of fries, lots of them. The portion is so big because this is America. I wish I could live in America someday, where lots of things are much bigger than in England.

‘’How was it?’’ I casually ask. Olivia looks at me with a confused look. Exactly. I’m not used to start a conversation with people, usually people will start it first with me.

‘’Good, nice. They have amazing foods here!’’ Olivia smiles. Actually she is a nice girl though. I don’t know why I just can’t accept her as my, friend?

‘’Hahah. Let’s head up to Brooklyn Bridge then.’’ I say, as I wipe my mouth with the tissue. The ketchup spilled to my lips, how embarrassing.

‘’Okay, let’s wait in front of the hotel then. They will pick us up in any minutes now.’’

I look at my phone’s clock. It’s still 9 P.M., it’s not midnight yet. But how come they’re going to pick us now?

Olivia seems to understand my confusement. She laughs and says, ‘’The boys will arrive there at 12.15 A.M., but we will have to do some briefings first.’’ I nod and ask her, ‘’By the way for what reason we shoot them?’’

‘’Seventeen Magazine.’’ She answers. Once again I nod and we both walk to the front part of the hotel, waiting for the taxi to pick us up.

I wait for the taxi to come in such a madness. It’s already 30 minutes and how come it hasn’t arrived here yet? This is so stupid. I scroll my phone gallery aimlessly, probably looking at the collection of my photoshoots will make me feel a little bit better.

‘’Finally. Damn hell!’’ I curse directly after seeing the taxi coming over to us. I open the door in anger and sit there with pissed-off face. Olivia just smiles awkwardly to the taxi-driver, probably ashamed of my deeds just now. My rude deeds.

‘’Sorry ladies, there was a traffic.’’ The taxi-driver finally says. I roll my eyes and ask him furiously, ‘’Then why didn’t you give us the info? So that we hadn’t have to wait outside, in the extremely cold night air?’’ I give many pressures on my words. The old yet beardy taxi-driver hums the word sorry for a few times and I just whine, expressing my madness.

New York at the night time is so fabulous, I should really admit it this time. Although I’ve been to New York for times, I’ve never really admired the scenery of the big city at nights. Usually I’ll just be there in the taxi, or whatever picks me up and play with my phone and not really care about the beautiful landscapes outside. But now, I open my eyes and realize everything. There are many amazing photo objects here. I’m feeling like jumping out of the taxi and shooting everything. The lights, and everything are just so beautiful.

‘’We’re almost to Brooklyn Bridge, oi.’’ Olivia nudges me, brreaking all of my thoughts. What? We almost reach it? I can’t believe time flies so fast whenever I’m daydreaming.

‘’You were looking at the streets for the whole two hours.’’ Olivia smiles. I look at her and force a friendly laugh, ‘’Hahah, the scenery is so good. Two hours?’’

‘’Yes, it’s now 11.45 P.M.’’ I gasp and I tidy up my backpack once again before the taxi finally stops. We’re here, in the amazing bridge. Brooklyn Bridge. I’ve passed this bridge some times but haven’t really dropped and stopped here. It’s so amazing. The moonlight is shining brightly and I really thank God for that.

My jaw drops for times, imagining what me and my camera can do in this amazing place. This would be amazing! However I try to act professional because I don’t want to disappoint ‘the biggest boyband in the world’. Their management are so polite towards us, they’re so nice and friendly in telling what we should do, how many photos should be shooted, and so on.

It wouldn’t be a really hard job to photoshoot them like this. Olivia seems to be very interested in speaking to 1D’s management, and she asks why don’t they hold the photoshoot in London. I frown and join the conversation. What?

‘’What? London?’’ I ask. ‘’What do you mean?’’

‘’The boys are from London, gosh.’’ Olivia answers. Once again a gusp of madness enters through me. ‘’They’re from London and we had to fly to here, to NYC, to photoshoot them, although they’re from London like us?’’

‘’It’s not like that, they’re having gigs in America these days and Seventeen Magazine is from NYC, plus there isn’t Brooklyn Bridge in London, so I hope you’ll understand miss Strittle.’’ One of the management’s team says, looking at my ID card to know my name. Strittle? How dare he mentions my surename. I’ve always hated my surename since it’s a part of my dad’s name- I mean a manwhore. He’s not my dad.

‘’Call me Miss Luna please?’’ I beg. He nods and I finally give in to join their conversation. From here I can conclude that they have many fans in America and mostly, in everywhere. I wonder how it is to be a fangirl. Must be so annoying and disgusting- it’s not one heck of my style.

Just a moments later five boys come out from a tour bus, completed with their securities. They all wear blackglasses, so that I can’t really see their complete face. Their management calls them to change their clothes. Olivia can’t stand still ever since; she keeps on gasping and whispering, ‘’Oh my God, they’re here. I’ll meet them. I’ll ask them to follow my Twitter.’’

A follow on Twitter? That’s so not important. It’s a stupid wish, a really stupid wish from a fan to an idol. I only roll my eyes and wait until the boys finish changing their clothes.

I wait patiently and try to memorize the things I should do to their photoshoot. Luckily I wear the cardigan since it’s so cold here. Olivia nudges me and she whispers, ‘’I can’t wait to order them to pose! I’m so excited!’’ I roll my eyes and hum, ‘’Yeah, whatever.’’

All of the boys come in view and Olivia can’t help but jump, as she’s tremendously excited to see her idols. I frown and gasp as I see someone, someone I familiarly know although there have been so many changes in him. Louis. Louis. Louis Tomlinson. He’s a member in this band too?

I hand my camera to Olivia, getting ready to leave. ‘’Excuse me.’’

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