Chapter 44 - Wait. New girlfriend?

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I hang the camera on my neck and join the crowd, being totally ignorant of their surprised stares.

‘’Excuse me, excuse me.’’ I mouth as I move to see Harry clearer. I rub my eyes, not really believing that it’s Harry. I gasp. The tattoos make me believe that it is really Harry. But there aren’t only tattoos- there are many bruises and some dried bloods. It’s funny how he still looks so hot despite of what he’s experiencing.. I look around in such a panicked state, checking whether there is a medical team around here. Nope. All I see is girls, which are absolutely Harry’s dear fans. Feeling so worried-sick I bend my knees and put  strand of my hair behind my right ear, loudly calling out Harry’s name. ‘’Harry!’’

‘’He won’t wake up, we’ve been waiting for him for over an hour.’’ A girl speaks behind me. I stand up and furiously look at her, ‘’Why don’t you guys call the doctor then? He’s in trouble- he must be!’’ I groan, feeling so upset of their stupidity. I take a deep breath, trying to relax myself. I still somehow don’t understand why I’m feeling so worried sick just because of Harry- I mean, I was the one asking him to leave last night.

The redheaded-girl I about to speak when we suddenly hear everybody gasping. We both turn our bodies around and gasp too as we find Harry, slowly opening his eyes up. His plump, swollen lips start to stammer.

‘’L-Luna?’’ He speaks. ‘’Luna?’’                    

‘’Harry?’’ I spontaneously reply back. All of the girls look at my direction at once, their looks are stabbing me.

‘’Luna, you’re here? I heard you!’’ Harry weakly speaks as he slowly sits down. His raspy voice gets even more sexier when he’s weak. His abs, all in amazing tattoos, unexpectedly captures my attention. I start falling for them- they look perfectly hot in my eyes.

I don’t think twice, I only look at Harry’s emerald green eyes and just run towards him. I know the fans are cursing me with their sharp stares, but I’m too worried of Harry to care.

‘’Harry are you okay? Do you bring your clothes? Let’s go back to the hotel.’’ I whisper as I sit next to him; my words running fast because of my panicked state.

‘’Sshhh, just call a taxi.’’ Harry says, being all calm and relaxed despite of his terrible condition.

‘’But you’re..’’

‘’Sshhh, of course I do bring clothes. Be worried of me again and I will kiss you here.’’ He whispers, smirking.

‘’Harry..’’ I slowly speak. There are too many fans here and I don’t want to imagine what will happen if they hear what Harry just spoke.

‘’Are you okay yet? Can you walk now?’’ I speak, reassuring his safety over again. Harry chuckles and cups my face, I can’t resist it when he does that. Looking straight into my eyes he says, ‘’What did I tell you.’’ A kiss is landed right after he finishes his words. For a second I can hear the crowd shouting- I’m not sure whether they’re cheering or cursing, but I can feel the camera blitz being showed. Pictures! I almost forget that the fans must not waste any of this golden opportunities. I want to stop the kiss but Harry’s hands are still on my face.

I try my best to part up and eventually get succeed with this. I pout and say, ‘’What a stupid deed!’’ Harry just chuckles and takes my hand, inviting me to flee from the screaming crowd.

I only laugh once Harry stops. He pants and says, ‘’What an escape.’’

‘’Yeah. You better change, be quick. Your dear fans are chasing us.’’ I laugh.

‘’Okay baby.’’ Harry says as he pecks my lips. Seriously, when will he stop giving me kisses? I loathe it since I can’t resist him doing so, simply because I secretly enjoy it.

I patiently wait for Harry to get dressed. It’s not until 10 minutes and Harry has showed up in a simple red t-shirt and sweatpants- simple but effective. He smiles to me and I awkwardly smile back. Flashbacks of last night are running through my head again- I can’t help but feel slightly guilty because of it.

‘’Wear these.’’ Harry orders as he hands me a pair of black glasses. I laugh and wear it, then look at him. ‘’Still bringing two?’’

‘’Yeah, in case you run after me, Luna.’’ Harry smirks. His words make me choke, ‘’Run after you? Excuse me?’’

‘’You asked me to leave then you chase me. Why are you here anyway?’’ Harry says as he stops to call a taxi. I hold the conversation until we enter the taxi, my breath is going in and out because of me getting slightly mad again.

‘’Running after you?’’ I shout once we’ve entered the taxi. ‘’You should listen Harry, I saw you by chance and..’’

‘’And you just came to the beach because of Louis? Don’t pretend like you don’t know, Louis is in the beach.’’

Louis? My voice raises up, ‘’I wasn’t there because of Louis, I didn’t even know that he was there until you told me so! I came to the beach with Niall, Liam and Zayn!’’ I speak. My latest words suddenly make me realize that I left the three lads without even waving a ‘goodbye’. Nevermind, I’ll just send them a text later.

‘’Oh, so you were on the beach with my mates? It’s a luck for you then not to go to the beach to see Louis.’’ Harry laughs.

‘’What do you mean?’’ I sense that something must be wrong.

‘’It’s good that you didn’t witness Louis curling up in the sands with his new girlfriend..’’ Harry smirks. ‘’W-What?’’ I stammer, my eyes are already watery.

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