Chapter 49 - MM?

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‘’Louis?’’ Harry spontaneously utters, once the manwhore enters.

‘’Harry!’’ Louis laughs, slowly closing the door behind him. ‘’I’m here to tell you that we’re going to lunch together today. We the lads need some time alone yeah? We need to discuss about writing songs.’’

Harry- still wiping my lips one last time- only laughs and answers, ‘’I thought Zayn had mentioned it yesterday.’’ Finished his work of wiping my dirty lips Harry turns around to face Louis, but I don’t bother to do the same thing. I stand up and head to the toilet instead- probably just to talk by myself at the mirror, like what I used to do? I don’t know, I just don’t care. What I know is, I shouldn’t see Louis right now.

‘’Hey Luna!’’ Louis cheerfully shouts. I only ignore him, although I know my cheeks are aready burning. No matter how mad I am with him, Louis will always make me go dead whenever he calls my name. I don’t know why, I just love it when his lips mention my name. But what else matters? He had given me a cup of fucking alchoholic drink yesterday. I won’t forgive him although he had called my name.

I spend about 10 minutes sitting in the closed toilet, carefully eavesdropping to Harry and Louis’ voices just to know whether Louis is still here, or gone. I hear heavy laughters- good that Harry doesn’t actually beat Louis up because he pissed me off last night.

After about another 5 minutes, I figure out that the laughters are over. Being careful I walk to the door and open it a little, popping half of my head out to see whether Louis is officially gone.

‘’He’s gone, it’s back to only to of us.’’ I hear Harry laughs. I let out a relieved breath and slam the door behind me, going back to meet Harry who is sitting at the end of the bed.

‘’What are you guys talking about?’’ To be honest I’m asking about Louis.

‘’Well, he only asked me on what happened last night. I quite gave him some threats though, for deceiving you.’’ Harry says as he looks at his phone.

‘’Threat?’’ I frown, being halfly surprised.

‘’Yeah. I told him not to deceive you again, since deceiving you gives bad impact for me.’’ Harry laughs. I know what he is talking- he is desperately craving to do those things to me, and last night when we were actually almost down into it.. He found out that it’s not me that wanted it. It’s the drunken me, that wanted to do those kind of things.

‘’Should I say sorry for that?’’ I ask, somehow feeling uneasy for ‘giving false hopes’ to him.

‘’Nope. Probably I should just learn to differenciate between the true you.. And the drunken you.’’ Harry states. Exactly, curly.

I only smile and stand up, getting ready to wave him goodbye. ‘’Uh Harry, I should probably leave then? I’m just going to stay in my hotel room today, considering that I’m still somehow dizzy. Plus, you’re going with the lads today and it’s going to be a private session, so..’’

‘’I’ll always come to your hotel room once we’ve finished our business.’’ Harry interrupts, holding my hand and kissing it.

I only nod, awkwardly releasing my hand from his. I can’t understand what Harry and I are running. It’s not a relationship absolutely, since we’re not in love- but it’s also impossible to call us ‘bestfriends’. I don’t know who can explain what those kisses means, those hugs, those times when I shouted at him after he kissed me.. What am I actually doing? Back then my mind is too full of dillemas to answer such a terribly hard question.

Luckily Harry doesn’t kiss me to paralyze my confused mind, he only hugs me before I truly leave. He wears a meaningful smile, but I’ll never want to know the meaning of that smile.

I go back to my hotel room quickly, I’m just afraid that people will question the state of me being a total mess. I’m still wearing last night’s outfit- which is too ‘tight’- and with messy hair. What more will be worse?

I groan once I finally enter my hotel room. What the fuck will I do today?


No matter how hard I try to shut my eyes, the cloud of dreams still can’t bring me to happiness. I can’t taste a good sleep, I guess sleeping is not a good solution to my ‘headache’ problem. I decide to just go to the mall, considering I cancelled my plan to go to such a place for the state of joining the boys to go to the beach. I decide to just wear something simple- a purple t-shirt with a pair of navy blue hotpants, with no cardigan since the weather is friendly hot outside.

I call a taxi and head to the nearest mall. This is not a mall that Niall had mentioned the other day, but who cares? The most important thing is that I’m going to a mall, that’s it.

It’s not a really long ride until I eventually arrive at the mall. I hold my lunchtime in a random restaurant which is full of people. I take no notice to seeing the name of the restaurant, I don’t really care. The food tastes slightly weird, which makes me regret entering this restaurant. Why is it so crowded anyway?

I almost think I should just get something from McDonalds, but I keep eating until the last pieces. Deep down in my heart I curse and promise not to go to this restaurant again, and it’s stupid that I don’t note the name of the restaurant on my head.

I walk through the massive mall, it somehow feels good to be back at a mall again since it’s a tradition I’ve left for a while. This is my first time hanging out in the mall after a long, full days of dramas. I take a look at the department store- I don’t understand but I get this strong feeling to buy new clothes.

After about one hour, I finish grabbing a few outfits to buy. They’re nothing luxurious, just ordinary t-shirts like I’ve always loved. When I finish purchasing I pass through the make-up stalls, making me look at the lipgloss ads. I look at the picture of the models, having their lips all glossy and sexy. Never have I thought to wear make-ups before- I even hate using make-ups since they only make my face look like a clown and not any better. But this time I think that lipgloss is just okay, and my curiousity leads me to walk to the stall.

‘’Excuse me, can I test this lipgloss?’’ I ask to the salesgirl, who is perfectly standing on her black heels. I can’t do that, for sure.

‘’No you can’t, unless you really want to buy it.’’ She politely smiles, although I don’t feel like her words are as polite as her sweet expression.

‘’Well I’m buying it.’’ I say, looking at the glossy make-up tool.

‘’You can only test it in your hand Miss, not on your lips.’’ The girl replies.


‘’What colour are you pleasing to buy?’’

‘’Is there the transparent colour?’’ I’m not brave enough to use colourful makeups.

‘’Yeah there is, so it only adds this glossy impression on your lips.’’

‘’I’m buying that, there’s no need to test everything.’’ I say in the end. What? I’m buying a lipgloss? This must be another drunken session of Luna Strittle.


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