Chapter 54 - Luna's flashback (Part 2)

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‘’Wilton!’’ I almost scream, in such a shock.

‘’Surprised? That I’m the one who’s having fun, meanwhile you? Oh, let’s see what’s this unlucky bitch doing.’’

I manage to sit down, although I’m weak because of hunger. ‘’Willton!’’

‘’What? You scream, and I’ll tell them. Work is done.’’ He smirks.

‘’Willton, I didn’t even touch your charger. Why did they accuse me? And it’s so unfair that, that you went to the mall and they got mad at me for like the whole day, and yet I haven’t eaten anything! I’m starving.’’ I almost yell, playing carefully with the tone in my voice since I’m afraid they will get mad again if I fight with Willton.

‘’That’s my luck, my time- not yours.’’ Willton spits one last time before he slams my bedroom door. I solely curse deeply in my heart as seeing his acts towards me. He’s a younger brother, and he feels like he has ‘powers’- since he’s a dear child in this fucking family- so that he always ‘bullies’ me. I can’t do anything else, I only can pray to God and beg Him to give me some pity.

Night time comes by, with me still not moving even an inch from my bed. All I can consume is just a bottle of mineral water on my bedside table, but it’s now empty. I can clearly hear all of them cheering in the dining room; they are presumably laughing to Willton’s story about his day out. I bet they are eating their warm dinner, with smiles on their faces and happiness in their hearts. They don’t even bother to call my name, or invite me to join their pleasured dinner. It’s like I’m not a member from this family; I’m more looking like a stranger.

My eyes cry out broken tears; my heart is in pieces by now. This is a more copeless pain than a heartbreaks even- knowing that your family is the one hurting you most, really hurts in a way.

With the waterfall in my eyes, I try my best to stand up from my bed. This is probably my last time lying in this bed, and also presumably this is the last time I’ll share my life with this bedroom. I walk my feet to my cupboard, silently opening it to prevent the loud creaking sound. My heart doubts my decision, but my mind is too busy reminding me about the bad impacts if I keep myself living here. I take all of my clothes and put them on my bed, before replacing them all to my big travel bag.

I somehow feel lucky because I shouldn’t bring a lot of stuffs. I’m not used to collect things, and all I think as a precious thing is my camera. Camera is something I can seriously think of, and work on. My tears slide down as I capture a photo of me and my family; it was 8 years ago, back then when everything was okay. Before I grew up, and before Willton grew up into a fine young lad as well. Meanwhile me? I grow up into a rat, into a teenage dirtbag with nobody loving me. I wipe my tears, walking on through my bedroom to find whether there is still something left to be brought to me.

After reassuring that everything is all in my case, I pick one piece of clothing to wear. I haven’t changed my clothes and there’s absolutely no chance to take a bath, so all I can do is changing. My t-shirt has been strained with fallen tears, and I should change it.

I silently wait until midnight- exactly until everyone is asleep. I play with my phone while carefully waiting for everybody to sleep. Nobody is mad anymore, but still, I don’t want my life to be going forever like this. I know everything will be fine by tomorrow, but back then I also do know that my family will just do the same kind of thing, again and again.

I scroll through me and Louis’ messages over and over again- it’s been like more than 10 hours but yet he still hasn’t come back. I almost cry again but I think it’s time to struggle by my own, since my hero has officially gone away.

It seems like forever to wait until the clock strucks at exactly 12 A.M. I wear my jacket and slowly opens my bedroom door. I wave goodbye for times, and somehow feel lucky since I get to leave my small world after I graduated from high school. I just graduated like two months ago, and now I’m leaving alone to outside; the cruelish world. How can I do without my family? The answer is, I know I can.

I eavesdrop to my parents’ and Willton’s bedroom door, just to reassure myself that everyone is asleep. My tears are flowing when I’m at the front gate of my house: is this really my choice? This is crucial and going to change my life forever, I believe. I gulp and unlock the door. I’m mature enough to make my own decisions, and I guess this is right.

When I finally go outside, I almost feel I can breath an air of life. The midnight sky starts crying into a massive downpour, just as it can feel my condition. With my heavy suitcase I walk alone in the rain, at the middle of the night. Luckily I’ve put my camera on my suitcase, so that it doesn’t need to be wet or damaged. As I walk, flashbacks run through me- flashbacks about my family, the good memories we had, and mostly, the horrific terrors given by them, especially my father. My eyes are already fulfilled with tears again- I know they’re as big as fuck now- and my sight becomes more blurry as the flashback of Louis comforting me down post my father’s deed, comes back to me.

‘’All you need to do is calming down.’’

‘’Be strong, Luna. I know you’re not a weak girl!’’

‘’Respect your father still; no matter how bad he is, he’s still your father. Your own flesh and blood!’’

‘’Luna, calm down. I’m here. You’ll be okay.’’

‘’Luna don’t cry! God loves you. Out of everything in this world, you’re the most precious thing. Don’t hold suicide just because of him! Chill, everything will just get better.’’

‘’LOUIS!’’ I call out his name loudly in the middle of the rain. Everything is useless, nobody will bother to hear me since the downpour has killed my voice.

He’s gone, is all I know. I keep walking and walking, with no certain destination.


Harry’s P.O.V

My jaw drops as Luna finishes her story, her head still positioned weakly on my shoulder.

I can’t believe her parents do this all to her, and it comes to shock as she has successfully hid her secrets. I also can’t believe Louis, again, has something to do with her escape. If I were him I would protect Luna and tell her not to go. I would encourage her, or I would provide her some shelter. And not being a jerk and leaving her alone like that.

Luna can’t stop sobbing eversince, and I’m trying my best to calm her down. Stroking her hair I kiss the top of her head and whisper, ‘’Sshhh, Luna, it’s okay..’’

‘’And I wonder, I fucking wonder how rich they’ve become until they can afford for a vacation straight to Sydney! Never did they take me abroad when I was still with them. Or probably they’ve kept going abroad since I left? Oh come on, I should’ve known they don’t love me at all.’’

‘’Luna..’’ Again she sobs. I sigh and put my arm around her shoulder, squeezing it gently.

‘’Harry I’m so not ready to see them here!’’ Luna shrieks. ‘’How if they find me here and, and..’’

‘’Luna, you don’t have to worry about everything.’’ I calm her down. ‘’I’ll always be there by your side, whenever I catch them by my sight I’ll protect you straight away.’’

I can feel Luna’s tears stop falling.

‘’I won’t be a jerk like him.’’ I add. Of course, Louis is all I’m referring to.

‘’I won’t leave you, you can trust me. If I say I’ll be right back, I will be in where I should. I won’t be a badass. I won’t leave you.’’ I repeat. I cup her face and look straight to her swollen eyes- she has been crying since the first time she told the story.

‘’I.. I love you. I won’t let you be hurt.’’ I say one last time before pressing my lips down to hers. Her lips are lipsticked with coldness; her sadness hovering all of her.

As the kiss goes on I keep thinking about a way to safe her life. And be her hero, to replace the jerk.


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