Chapter 8 - Stop.

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‘’Could you be more faster please?’’

I feel my heart drop as I hear someone shouts and knocks my bathroom door. Obviously it’s not Olivia, since the speaker has a raspy man voice. I gasp, knowing the doer. Harry.

‘’What the fuck are you doing here? In my room?’’ I yell angrily. Besides I’m so worried since I haven’t worn any clothes at all- I haven’t even finished taking the shower.

‘’Correction, it’s not your room. It’s the hotel’s. Better finish your shower soon before I slam the door to see you naked.’’

‘’What-‘’ I gasp. Harry might mean his words. I quickly finish my shower and dry my body with my towel. I dress myself in a hurry and don’t realize it anymore that I haven’t dried my hair. I walk out the bathroom, Harry jaw-dropping right in front of me.

I only frown and shout, ‘’How the fuck did you get here? I had locked the key and made sure everything is safe-‘’

‘’Oh really? I have the duplicate key for your room.’’ Shit. Harry, is a shit.

‘’Whatever Harry, you should really get out of here!’’ I say, cursing under my breath. He should really stay away. Instead of going, he chuckles.

‘’I don’t want to, and you have to remember that we’re going to hang out today. And tomorrow.’’ He smirks. It upsets me that I easily said yes when he asked me to hang out with him. I don’t know what came to my mind that time. Why can Harry control me anyway? Nobody has ever controlled me the way he does before.

‘’Well I just changed my mind-‘’

‘’No you can’t.’’ He says. He pins my body to the wall and looks straight into my eyes. I gulp, watching his lips move as he talks. ‘’Listen. I, really want you. You have to understand.’’

‘’But I don’t!’’ I shout and slap his right cheek right in one movement. He holds his reddened cheek and says, ‘’Oh. You’re a strong woman ha? But it didn’t hurt, anyway. I love being touched by you.’’

Instead of answering him I push him by his chest and run away. Too late, he has locked the door and the key is nowhere. I press my back to the door and shout at him as he moves closer, ‘’Don’t move closer! Just tell me what do you want!’’

‘’I want you! Isn’t that obvious?’’

‘’But we just met one day, maybe less than it and you’ve done- you know, these fucking stupid things!’’ I shout. He doesn’t seem to care. He shrugs and moves to me again. I run to the bed and his smile grows larger.

‘’What? You want us to be, on the bed? You’re so naughty, I didn’t expect that.’’ Once he says so he holds both of my hand and push my body straight to the bed. His green eyes being lustrous. My feet kick his but he doesn’t move even an inch. His body is on top of me, I don’t know what to feel but I know by heart that my cheeks are flushing. Never has a boy done this thing to me before.

‘’Your cheeks, your lips, your frozen blue eyes. Luna, you really drive me crazy.’’ Harry says as he tries to crash his lips down to mine again. But I don’t let it happen. I move my head to the left and the right, avoiding the kiss to be happened again.

‘’Harry stop!’’ I shout as I try to escape him. He seems to give up and he lets me go. I sit in front of the mirror, trying to dry my very wet hair as fast as I can. Harry watches as I move the hairdryer to my hair.

‘’Why do you dry your hair? You look fucking sexy with your wet hair.’’ That mouth. That jerk, yet full-of-shit mouth. A perverted mouth. I decide to be silent, I’m too tired to start another debate again. After all Harry will win again.

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