Chapter 6~ ranks

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5 minutes. That's how long Karma had been gone, yet Nagisa hadn't moved at all. It felt strangely silent in his little house now.

The angel felt kinda disappointed Karma had left, and he wasn't sure why. It wasn't like his life was boring. In fact, he quite liked being almost an undercover angel.
But things felt more...lively when the demon was around. Torn, he decided to call a friend.

"Kayano? Do you wanna meet at the park in a few minutes? There's... something I'd like to discuss with you."

His friend quickly suggested a place and time.
"Sounds good!" Nagisa pocketed his knife, determined to not let what happened earlier happen again. As he thought this he paused, reflecting.

So much had happened today. He'd gotten nearly killed by a demon, saved by another demon, healed by a demon, then fought that same demon. Just thinking about it all wore him out.

Nagisa stepped out of the door with a sigh, glancing up and the sunny, cloudless sky. Maybe Kayano, his green-haired angel friend, could help fill in the answers to his questions.


"So what did you call me here for, Nagisa?" Kayano flashed him her usually peppy grin.

"You hear a lot of gossip... have you heard of a demon named Karma Akabane?" Nagisa asked. He'd checked to make sure they were alone, so they should be free to discuss the topic.

"Karma... Akabane? Oh! I don't usually hear demon gossip but I remember hearing a bit about him! I've heard he's a crazy strong demon with unique but effective tactics." Kayano shuddered. "Wouldn't want to run into him. Apparently he's also well known down in the underworld."

Nagisa chuckled nervously. Kayano turned a curious gaze on her friend. "Was there a reason you asked about him?"
Just that the powerful demon you mentioned has a liking towards me that is probably very bad for my health.

"Oh, not really." Nagisa prayed she'd get the hint and drop the subject.

"Are you sure?" Kayano asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing," Nagisa insisted. But inside his mind, all his thoughts formed a turmoil. He'd thought Karma would be different from all the other demons. But his kindness was either an act, or him showing off. All he'd said to Nagisa was just a tactic to lure in his prey. Nagisa had been foolish to think that the demon was different.

And yet... there was still a tiny part of him that clung to that hope. The hope that Karma could be different than all the demons who seduced him and preyed on his soul. It could happen, couldn't it?


Karma strolled towards the hill where he'd promised he'd meet his... friends. It was weird saying that, being he was taught that demons didn't have friends. But they'd been with him ever since they'd became demons.

"Ah the great Karma finally arrives!" Rio greeted cheerfully.

"Late again," taunted Asano, with a small smirk, "Anyways, Ally decided to come along for a bit because she wanted to see you. She can't stay long so you two enjoy yourselves."
The orange-haired demon gave Karma a pointed smile, and the two had a short conversation with merely facial expressions. The two had been the top of the school when they'd trained, which now made them some of the most famous demons. They were close rivals and respected each other, but at the same time Karma wasn't sure if he'd consider them friends. Comrades, perhaps.

"Karma! It's sooo good to see you!" gushed Ally, throwing her arms around the demon. Ally was a demon herself... but she wasn't one Karma and his friends liked to be around. More like she was extremely clingy and happened to be Asano's cousin who visited them often.

"Hey Ally." Karma barely paid her any attention. Instead, he walked over to sit by Rio and Asano.

"Catch any new prey?" He asked casually, laying sideways and propping himself up on his elbow.

Asano smirked. "Is that even a question? I caught such an innocent mortal girl two weeks ago."

Rio whistled appreciatively. "Damn. So you did get her. Of course, only with my help."

A furious look was thrown her way. The female blonde demon merely giggled. "To proud to admit it, Ass-ano?"

Asano stood up, glowering, and he clenched his teeth. "Rio I fucking swear to Satan-"

"Karma, my cousin scares me," Ally gasped dramatically, "you'll protect me though, right?"

Karma sighed, exasperated at them all. "You're all idiots. I've found an angel. Too bad you weren't that talented."

He'd had the attention of them all.

"Oh really Karma? You're so skilled!" Ally gasped, her eyes wide with amazement.

"An angel?" Asano repeated, also ignoring his cousin for the moment.

Karma allowed a smug grin. "I'm just drawing him in. It'll be worth it though, I haven't had an angel's soul in years."

Asano snorted. "If only I'd found him. There'd be more guarantee that it'd actually be a kill."

"Oh? Why don't you fight ME for him then, hmm?" Karma challenged cockily.

Asano narrowed his eyes. "No thanks. I don't need to fight you to find my own angels."

Rio shook her head with a smile. "Demon pride."

"Aww I have to go!" Ally whined suddenly. She looked up at Karma as if expecting something from him.

"See ya," Karma merely waved. She pouted, before running off.

"She's totally into you," Rio snickered.

Karma laughed. "That's foolish. Demons don't love anyway. She's much to young to understand. My role as a demon is to stay alive and hunt down those with pure lives. Like our ruler, Satan."

As a demon, there were no rules about who you loved. But mostly, love was looked down upon. It was a waste of time and skill, and you'd be criticized greatly if you fell in love with someone. However, young demons like Ally weren't necessarily mature enough to notice or understand this.

"Satan." Asano scoffed. "I plan to overthrow him soon. With more training I'll be practically equal in strength with one of the toughest demons around, and it only takes a decent amount of effort to manipulate them to help me. Then I'll be the one ruling over this kingdom." A malicious smile formed on Asano's lips.
"I should go train. Have fun with your angel, Karma. Show him hell."

Karma chuckled in response. Rio arched an eyebrow at him. "An angel huh? What's he like?" She was clearly impressed, but also curious.

"Strangely cute." A small smirk drew across his lips. "Never thought I'd think this about angels but he is. It's bound to be interesting experience. I've even marked him, though I have no clue if he noticed yet," he drawled out.

Rio laughed softly. "I have to admit your tactic works quite well. Wish I could pull it off."

Karma merely smiled, lost in thoughts about his new angel. "Finding angels is always so exciting. I wonder what'll happen with this one."

Rio shrugged, grabbing a cookie from a plate in front of them. "I'm sure it'll just be like all the other angels you've caught."

"It always depends on the person."

Karma's thoughts drifted off, formulating a plan. He still had to be wary about the other demon who'd attacked Nagisa. He wouldn't hesitate to end the demon's long life, especially if he messed with his plans. was always best to be careful. He wouldn't allow anyone to take what was his. And starting with the marking he'd secretly placed on the angel, Nagisa soon would be his.


So tired ;; on the bright side it's December so I really wanna write cute Christmas oneshots ^.^


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