Chapter 13~ slowly starving

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Karma awoke the next morning with Nagisa curled up against his chest. It felt right.

He almost wanted to go back to sleep. Not because demons needed that much sleep, but because he wanted to savor this moment.
But no, he had a job to do. And that was finding some easy soul he could devour without much trouble. Perhaps Rio or maybe even Asano could help.

Karma used his demonic speed to zoom out of the bed soundlessly. With luck, Nagisa wouldn't notice for awhile. He headed downstairs, pulling out his phone.


"What do you want, Karma?" Rio sounded as if she just woke up, even though it was 12 already. It was probably true, honestly.

"I have a job for you, if you want," Karma responded, refusing to call the job him asking for help.

"What kind of job?" Rio asked suspiciously.

"Karma?" Nagisa's sleepy voice caught his attention. Karma's golden eyes snapped to the angel. His movements were sluggish as he walked over and plopped down on the couch, watching Karma. "Who are you talking to?"

"Is that your little angel?" Rio asked, suddenly interested. "Does this have to do with him?!"

Karma signaled to Nagisa to wait a moment, and the angel nodded understandingly. "Yes, and no not really." It wasn't technically a lie. This had to do with Karma's hunger. But he was only hungry because he absolutely refused to eat Nagisa's soul. It was enticing, and Karma wasn't sure if his self control would last if it kept going like this.

"That's a shame, I wanna meet your little angel before you kill him off."

Karma smirked. You have eternity, then. Unless you die. Because I refuse to let Nagisa perish.
"Hey Rio can we meet at our usual spot in maybe 30 mins?"

"Sure," the other demon replied easily, "it's not like I'm doing anything anyway."

Karma hung up, his gaze immediately seeking out Nagisa's.
"Where are you going?" Nagisa asked curiously.

Karma offered a smile. "To find an easy soul."

Realization clicked on Nagisa's face, and he nodded. "I'll be here."

Karma gave a grateful smile, and headed towards the door.
"Don't miss me too much, Nagisa~!"


"Hey Karma," Rio greeted. She was perched in a tree when the redhead arrived.

"Rio," Karma acknowledged.

"How's your angel?" Rip smirked. "I'm sure he's falling right for your trap."

The blond-haired demon narrowed her eyes when she saw the faint blush on Karma's cheeks. "It isn't true, is it?"

"Huh?" Karma met her gaze, and it was only knowing him for so long that caused her to recognize the tinge of fear laced in his tone.

"What Asano's cousin said. He said he was coming, by the way. But she claimed you'd fallen in love with an angel. I didn't believe her of course...but..." Rio hesitated.

Karma immediately attempted to cover up. "Eh? Why would I fall in love with an angel?" He faked disgust. Rio wasn't fooled for a second.

"You did, didn't you." It wasn't a question.

"Tch. I haven't."

"Liar, liar!" Rio sang. She leaned closer. "You're in love aren't you?!"

Karma looked away scoffing, trying to hide his blush.

"I suppose I'll just have to hunt him down then," Rio sighed, "Maybe use a little force, if necessary."

She gasped suddenly as she found herself flat on the ground, a furious Karma above her.
"If you ever touch him I will FUCKING KILL-"

"Karma stop!" Rio exclaimed, "I was only kidding!"

The redhead stared at her for a second, before backing off. "You'd better stay away," he warned again.

"So the rumors are true." Rio seemed gleeful. "Don't worry, Karma," she held a finger to her lips with a wink. "I won't get in the way of your relationship!"

Karma relaxed slightly. He could trust Rio's word. She wasn't one for lying. She just liked to fit in.
"Thanks, Rio."

She grinned cheerfully. "No problem." Her expression darkened for a second. "But Asano and his cousin... Don't trust them. Don't tell Asano-"

A rustling sound caught both of their demonic senses.

"Don't tell me what?" The orange-haired demon who'd finally arrived offered a rueful smile. "I know I'm late. Although it appears you both are having an interesting conversation about holding secrets from me. Care to share?" He leaned casually against the tree.

Karma recovered first, laughing. He stepped closer, a taunting smirk on his face. "Secrets? What is this, elementary school? None of this concerns you."

Asano scoffed at him, but dropped the subject.

"Anyways," Karma continued with an aura of control, "do you two know of any areas with easy prey?"

"Why would I help you with that?" Asano sneered, "Don't you have an angel you're going to eat as well?"

"He's taking too long," Karma lied smoothly. Asano narrowed his eyes, but didn't remark.

"There might be an area a little west of here..." Rio murmured thoughtfully, "Try there?"

"Alright," Karma grinned in thanks.

"If we're done here," Asano drawled, "I have things to do." He left.

"So rude all the time," Rio grumbled.

Karma laughed. "At least he's a worthy competitor."

Rip arched an eyebrow. "Would you still say that if you were competing for that angel?"

Karma's mood instantly darkened. "I'd win."

Rio shook her head with a slight smile. "A demon's possessiveness."

"Maybe you're right," Karma shrugged. "See ya, Rio."

Karma sped off, more than ready to see Nagisa again. He liked the way he could so easily talk with the angel. At first, he had been putting up a front. He'd used seduction and lure with the sole intention of preparing to devour his soul. Yet somewhere along the lines, he'd grown protective of the angel. He'd opened up, putting his trust into an angel of all beings.

I don't regret it, Karma thought to himself, pushing open the door to Nagisa's house. Had he left it unlocked?

Regardless, he walked in. "Nagisaaa," he hummed, "are you hiding from me~?" He cooed playfully. No response.

Karma frowned, a strange feeling running over him. He had a feeling if Nagisa could, he'd be here.
His thoughts drifted off to the mark.

Nagisa... you remember you can always call for me, right?

I actually do have something planned before the next chapter for a few of you who might enjoy it :3

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