Chapter 22~ what

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Karma said nothing, not doubting what he heard, but doubting if the blue-haired male meant what he said.
"Train you?"

"Yes. To fight better. I have your instincts now. Teach me to use them better."

Karma tilted his head. "Eh? You really want me to? Ok, I'll train you. But not in here."

The demon leaned back in his chair his golden eyed gaze locked on Nagisa. "Right now, we're in the middle of a date."

Nagisa cheeks turned a rosy pink at the alluring smile that Karma was giving him, but he smiled. "Right."

"Are you two boys ready to order?" a waiter asked cheerfully. Nagisa nodded at the same time Karma spoke. The blue-haired boy noticed he'd leaned back in his chair and tilted his head up, giving the display of arrogance. His clothes looked clean and his easy smile was back on his lips.

"Nothing for me."

"Alright. And you, sir?"

"Uh, I'll have the spaghetti," Nagisa put out plainly. After the waiter left, Karma broke his act and rolled his eyes, leaning forward again.

"I take you to a fancy Italian restaurant and you order spaghetti?"

Nagisa glared defensively. "Well I'm not going to order the Squid Ink tagliatelle pasta with squid and white wine-tomato sauce  with a parmesan and oregano and pinch of chili flakes garnish." (why is this an actual thing and squid ink pasta is gross)

Karma laughed, his eyes glittering with mirth. "Good point, but it would've been funny to see you struggle with pronouncing the fancy foods."

Nagisa pouted. "You're mean."

Karma looked hurt. "You're cute when you do, is all I'm trying to say."

"Do not."

The demon arched an eyebrow. "You can't decide what's cute about you. It happens naturally, Nagisa-chan~"

With a sigh, the fallen angel broke eye contact with the smug demon. "You're such a flirt, Karma."

"But you love it," Karma hummed, slyly reaching out a hand to grasp the hand Nagisa was fiddling with the utensils with.

He pulled hit to his lips, giving it a soft and sweet kiss, all while his eyes sparkled mischievously at the fallen angel. Nagisa blushed a bright red.

Someone cleared their throat. Nagisa looked up to see their waiter awkwardly standing there. "Would you, uh, like anything else to drink?"

Nagisa shook his head quickly, still blushing from embarrassment. "Um, no thank you!"

He scurried off, and Nagisa turned on Karma. "You knew," he accused.

The demon took on an all to familiar look of innocence. "What? It just happened to be perfect timing!"

Nagisa rolled his eyes. "Must you be so public? At this rate Asano will hear about us from a different town!"

At this, Karma's eyes narrowed slightly. "I only did that to make sure he'd leave us alone. He probably isn't going to hurry back to out table anytime soon."

Nagisa rolled his eyes. "You..."

"Love me. Yes, I do," Karma hummed.

Nagisa raised his head, his eyes seeking Karma's out curiously. The demon was being so loving today, and it made Nagisa wonder what was truly going on in Karma's mind.

Karma rested his chin on his hand, keeping his gaze locked onto Nagisa's lovingly. He could see the depths of the fallen angel's blue eyes. His expression was neutral, and Karma knew his own must look half lovestruck.

It had been far too long. From Nagisa, yes, but more so from love. Having Nagisa disappear from him... it made him realize how human love made him feel. As a demon, it was much easier just building up walls of power and malevolent intent.

Love... how was it so beautiful and horrid at the same time. Karma knew the danger of love. After all, that was the illusion he spun around the eyes of his prey. But to have it covering himself...

He felt vulnerable.

But it was Nagisa. And Nagisa truly loved him. If he was taken away, Karma wasn't sure how he'd survive.

"Your food." After quickly placing the plate down, the waiter left instantly. Karma's eyes followed his retreating form for a few seconds, then turned his attention back to Nagisa.

The angel was studying his food thoughtfully. "I'm going to check everyone's moods after this."

Karma bit back a flat out possessive remark, instead going for a more subtle approach.
"Aww you won't come home with me and relax?"

Nagisa gave him a suspicious look. "I never said I wouldn't. I'll be back later. I'll always return."

The last three words seemed to have the desired effect, because Nagisa noticed Karma's sharp golden eyes soften at the slightest. Was he really that worried about Nagisa leaving him?

Already feeling a blush drift across his face, Nagisa pushed back his chair so he could lean forward. In a soft, graceful movement, he pressed a kiss to Karma's lips then drew back.
"Love you."

This update took awhile and it's not even that good and I am sorry... I just tend to get torn up by my thoughts.
Love you all


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