0.1 | Introduction

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I'm excited for this, you guys. Merry Christmas!

This story did get the most votes, but a lot of you guys wanted the August Alsina story as well. So, it will be up sometime in late January. Anyway, I hope you guys like the story!

Swishing the alcohol around in his glass, Chresanto sighs. Glancing up the clock and seeing its going on twelve, he decides to head home.

When he pulls into the drive way, his eyebrows pull together. His wife of six years, Aaliyah, was bringing boxes to her car.

Cutting his car off, he steps out and walks to her. "Are you downsizing, love?" He chuckles, trying to think of the best situation.

"I'm leaving, Chres. I can't do it anymore." She sighs.

"What do you mean?" He asks, wrapping his arms around her.

"This, us." She gestures between them. "Ever since you came back, you've been different."

"War isn't a peaceful." He scoffs. "I told you it'll take time, I need my wife to stand by my side and help me. Its only been seven months since I got back."

"And I've been having an affair for two years. I'm pregnant, Chres." She admits. "Its not yours."

"You've been cheating on me half of the time I was gone?" He lets her go. He had given four years of his life to the military.

Although he wouldn't show it, what she had just said shattered his heart into millions of pieces.

"Look, you can keep Junior, I can't keep him." Aaliyah shakes her head.

"He's six years old, Aaliyah. He needs his mother." Chres tries to keep himself from yelling at her.

"And I'll visit." She promises. "The divorce papers are on the counter. Sign them and I'll be back Saturday to pick the papers up and see Lorenzo."

Chresanto just watched as she gets into her car and backs out of the driveway. He wouldn't beg her to stay if she has been cheating on him. While he was out risking his life, she had fallen in love with another man. And there was nothing he could do about, so he'd just have to accept it.

"Daddy?" Chresanto Junior asks.

"Yes, Lorenzo?" His father looks at him, closing the front door. "Aren't you up a bit late?"

"Mommy said it was okay if I waited for you." He answers.

"Well, let's get you up to bed then, mister." Chresanto picks up his son. He holds him like he's flying, making airplane noise as he runs upstairs.

"And landing in three, two, one." He tosses him easily on the car shaped toddler bed. "Safe landing?"

"Yes, sir." Lorenzo salutes.

Chresanto tucks his son in bed, kissing his forehead. "Goodnight, son. I love you."

"Good night, dad. I love you too." His son smiles.

Chresanto cuts on the nightlight, does his routine check around the room. Lorenzo always got scared.

"The closet is clear." He calls, like he did in the military. He walks to the bathroom, stepping inside and looking around. "Bathroom clear." He walks to the bed and looks under it. "No monsters here."

"Thanks." Lorenzo smiles.

"No problem, buddy." He smiles back.

He cuts the light, leaving the door open, as he leaves the room.

The only though running through his mind, what am I going to do?


Meanwhile, Alexandria pulls the pillow over her ears to block out the sounds of her neighbors arguing. Being twenty-four and single, she lived alone in her one bedroom apartment.

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