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Shout out to @ThaDarkskin_Mani.

"Chres, I love you, baby." Aaliyah tells me, trying to grab my hands.

"I choked you the other week, how do you love me still?" I pretend to be upset, looking down at her.

"You didn't mean to, baby. I did something wrong." She grabs my hand.

"That still doesn't give me a right to put my hands on you." I sigh.

"It does, baby." She places my hand around her neck again. "See, I'm not scared of you."

Honestly, the thought of choking her does run through my mind.

But I don't do it. Instead, I decide to take a different route.

"You haven't come to see Lorenzo in weeks." I back her into the wall.

"Well, I've been waiting for you to call me and tell me Alex is gone." She gets a little quieter.

"Hm." I hum. "But what if I want Alex?"

"You want Alex?" She sounds angry.

"I want both of you." I lie. I want Alex to be my wife, I want Aaliyah far, far away in a prison somewhere.


"Aaliyah, baby, I do want you. And I want Alex too." I tell her. "I want both of you to be mine."

"She would never agree."

"Honey, no." I shake my head, frowning. "Not my style."

"Oh, then what did you mean?"

"I want to keep seeing you. And I don't want you to see anybody else." I tell her. "I want to stay with Alex, I don't want her to be with anyone else."

"But, but, I want you all to myself." She frowns.

"You cheated on me." I remind her. "I guess you don't really love me then."

I move away, grabbing my jacket and pretending to leave.

"Wait, I do love you." She grabs my arm. "I'll do it."

"Good." I smile, wrapping my arm around her. "We have to keep this a secret."

"I know." She smiles.


"You've got Aaliyah in the palm of your hand, right where we need her." Jacob tells me.

"What do we do from here?"

"Well, you have a recorded confession of the attempted murder. We can take that to court, or we can continue and get the neglection confession for Lorenzo, we have proof for her other baby."

I look at Alex and she looks at me.

"Can I get the confession through text?" I ask.

"Yeah." He nods.

"Then I'll do that tonight. Start setting up the court date. I want her in prison as soon as possible." I stand up, grabbing Alex's hand.

We head home after picking the kids up from her mom's house.


"My boobs still hurt." Alex complains, holding her arms over them.

"Should you go get them checked? It's been almost two weeks since they started hurting."

"No, that's embarassing." She frowns. "I definitely don't want my doctor touching all on them to see if they're tender, or if they have lumps."

"You're supposed to get checked often." I remind her.

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