0.9 | New Family

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Please read the authors note at the end. It is extremely important.

Okay, so I realize that Selena Gomez plays Alex in this story, and Alex in Wizards of Waverly Place, y'all remember that show, right? This was not intentional at all. I honestly didn't know who should play Alex at first, but then I decided on Selena Gomez. I think it's kind of funny, actually.

Anyway, the reason I'm telling you guys this, is because I was trying to decide who her parents should be, since they're in this chapter. I didn't want to use Selena Gomez' real parents, so I used her old TV parents instead. Kind of.

This is her mom and step-dad

This is her dad and step-mom

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This is her dad and step-mom

"Enzo, can you grab the milk please?" I ask, stopping right beside of it

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"Enzo, can you grab the milk please?" I ask, stopping right beside of it.

"Yes, mommy." He nods, opening the door of the large refridgerators. We had to go to the Vons, the grocery store in our area, and get some things.

"Thank you." I smile, taking it and putting it in the shopping cart.

"Welcome." He says, holding the side of the cart.

"Do you guys want to get some ice cream?" I ask them.

"Yes, please." Melody and Enzo answer in unison, huge smiles on their face.

"What kind?"

"The strawberry swirly one." Melody suggests.

"The sherbert one." Enzo adds.

"Okay." I nod, grabbing the gallon tubs of both flavors. "Which one would daddy like to have when he gets home?"

"Daddy likes the ice cream cones with the chocolate, vanilla, caramel and peanuts." Enzo tells me.

"Okay." I nod, knowing he's talking about the caramel filled drumsticks.

I grab a box of those, and then we continue walking. "Mommy, can we have chicken for dinner?" Melody asks.

"Yes, fried chicken?"

"With honey mustard." She nods.

"And can we have fries? The ones that you make." Enzo adds.

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