2.1 | Talk

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"What do you want me to tell you, Alex?" Chres groans.

"I don't know, maybe tell me why you weren't there?" I suggest.

He missed the baby's appointment. Our first appointment.

"I told you, I was with my mom." He answers.

"Why didn't you come to the appointment though, it was the first one." I frown. "I found out how far along I am and saw our little sweet pea."

The baby is the size of a sweet pea now.

"I know, mama." He grabs my hand. "I'm sorry."

"I know. But the whole reason that we rescheduled the appointment from last week to this week is because you wanted to be there and you couldn't on Thursday." I frown.

Now at six weeks pregnant, my emotions are definitely giving Chres a run for his money.

"I know. I'm sorry, Alex. I promise I'll be at the second one." He promises.

"But I wanted you to be at this one." I sniff. "I waited an hour before I let the doctor do the sonogram and you didn't come."

"Look, sugar bear." He wipes my eyes. "Stop crying. We can watch the video the doctor gave you and look at the pictures, and you can tell me what he said."

"It's not the same." I sniff. "You missed his or her first appointment. That's the equivalent of missing a first birthday."

"Baby," He pulls me closer. "Calm down, you're upsetting yourself more."

"I don't want to talk to you." I sniff, turning around and trying to get to the kitchen.

"How about I make it up to you?" He suggests.

"How?" I pout.

"Well, we can get some ice cream, take the kids to the park, and then you can show me the video and pictures you got and it'll be like I was there. And I promise, I'll never miss another appointment."

"Pinky promise?" I hold my pinky up.

He wraps his around mine, pecking my lips. "I promise."

"Okay." I wipe my eyes.

"See? Now don't you feel better?" He wipes my face.

"Yeah." I smile.

"Enzo, Melody, come on! We're gonna go get some ice cream and go to the park!"

Just like that, the kids run downstairs to the door. They quickly put on their shoes, and stand by the door.

I laugh, sliding on my flip flops. Chres puts on his slides and we go.

Lorenzo sits in his booster and buckles up, I buckle Melody in her car seat. Kids have to be in a five point car seat until they are eighty pounds.

I sit in the passenger seat while Chres sits in the driver's seat.

"We should take the truck when we go to North Carolina." I note.

"How come?" He asks.

"Cause we can put everything in the back." I answer, feeling him take my hand into his.

"Okay." He shrugs.

I turn the radio on, 'I'm the One' by DJ Khalid being already on.

We go to Baskin-Robbins first.

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