1.3 | Not So Fun

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Today, I'm going to meet Aaliyah. She says she wants to get to know me, and we need to get along for Enzo's sake. So I'm going.

"Call me whenever you can, Alex." Chres grabs my hips, pecking my lips.

"Okay, Chres." I nod.

"Call me when you get there, a few times while you're there if you can and before you leave." He says.

"Okay." I nod.

"What'd I just say?" He asks.

"Call you when I get there, before I leave and whenever I can while I'm there." I answer.

"Okay." He sighs. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smile.

He pecks my lips a few more times before kissing me. Then he lets my hips go, and I go to tell the kids bye.

"Bye, Enzo. Bye, Melody." I smile, hugging them. "I love you guys."

"I love you too." They tell me.

After speaking to them for a moment, I leave.


After telling Chres that I had just gotten to the restaurant, I go instead, being led to a table with Aaliyah.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." I take my seat.

"That's fine." She tells me. "I just got here about five minutes ago."

I nod, just as the waitress approaches. "What can I start you guys with?"

"Can I get a sweet tea?" I ask.

"And I would like a Pepsi." Aaliyah adds.

"Okay, do you know what you want to eat?" She asks, after writing down the drinks.

"Um, can I get a well done steak with steak house fries?" I ask.

"And I just want some spaghetti." Aaliyah adds.

"Alright, anything else?"

"No, ma'am." Aaliyah shakes her head. I don't want anything else either, so she takes our menus.

"How's the wedding coming along?" She asks me.

"It's going great. I think we're almost finished with all the planning." I answer.

"Awe. I remember my wedding." She smiles.

"Awe." I smile, not knowing what else to say.

"Chres really is a good guy. Please don't mess up like I did."

"I'm not planning on it." I answer.

Our food comes out and we begin eating. After about fifteen minutes, she goes to the restroom.

Chres calls, so I quickly answer.

"Hey, honey bun." I smile.

"Hey, sugar bear." He chuckles. "How's it going?"

"Better than I planned." I admit. "How's it going with the kids?"

"Good, we're on our way to the park." He tells me.

"Good luck." I laugh.

"Thanks." He sarcastically replies. "Has she tried to start with you?"

"Not really." I answer.

"That's good." He tells me. "I miss you."

"It hasn't been an hour yet, love." I giggle.

"Still. I like to cuddle all morning." He reminds me.

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